it's a pleasure. i've heard a lot about you. that was really something. that dancing girl. what did it mean? code, i've heard a lot about this. shorthand. really? how do you figure? what do you mean? oh, the uncle is missing. so the sheriff had got an uncle who's committed a serious crime. the dress she was wearing had been altered to fit her. i noticed a different colored thread where the dress had been taken in. it wasn't her dress or she must have lost some weight. a blue rose. what did gordon's tie mean? why couldn't he have just told you all these things? i see. he does talk loud. it must be a high priority situation. you know, agent desmond, i figure this whole office, furniture included, is worth 27,000 dollars. solved the whiteman case with this. no one could find those splinters without a machine like this. and no one had a machine like this. yes, it is good. what do you think is in these other drawers? maybe, later we could take a look. crushed skull. probable cause repeated blows to the back of the head with an obtuse angled blunt object. subject looks to be between 16 and 18 years of age. i wonder where her ring is? there appears to be a contusion under the ring finger of her left hand. a laceration. agent desmond, would you hold the finger for me. there's something up there. it is a piece of paper with the letter "t" imprinted on it. take a look. geez, agent desmond, it's three-thirty in the morning. where are we going to sleep? yes, it's been several hours since we've eaten. i didn't realize that so much time had past, did you, agent desmond? nicotine is a drug. caffeine is a drug. you think we ought to question him? oh. agent desmond, it's. it's not late, it's early. really early. i doubt it was drugs, more likely a problem with a nerve. i could recheck the arm for injuries, but for real nerve work we are going to have to take the body back to portland. are you speaking to me in a code? in that case, we should go to the canyon trailer park. thank god it is morning. nine's really late. we are really early. she lived alone. i'll get my kit. 5,600 dollars. she's wearing a ring. may i see the magnifying glass, agent desmond? there doesn't seem to be enough detail in the photo to ascertain the design on the ring. we really do need a good "wake me up", don't we, agent desmond? we really do need a good "wake me up", don't we, agent desmond? i couldn't help but notice that you had a suspicion that deputy cliff was the murderer. you did think that, didn't you, agent desmond? yes, he is like a clown. when he says, "discussion", how do you take that, agent desmond? one thing that has been troubling me. that lamp at the diner. do you think they were working on it for esthetic reasons or was their work due to faulty wiring? esthetics are subjective, aren't they, agent desmond? i'm sam stanley. if you ever need me. we do notice things, don't we, agent desmond? are you going back to the trailer park for the blue rose? 83,000 dollars. agent chet said he wanted to check the trailer court one more time. he had me drive the van with the body back here. which we did. it was 105 miles. did gordon show you a woman named lil? agent chet wouldn't tell me what the blue rose meant. oh, alright. you know, i liked agent desmond. he had his own m.o. i cracked the whiteman case with this. no one could've found those splinters without a machine like this and no one has a machine like this. take a look at this. chet and i found it under teresa banks' ring fingernail. no, sir, we did not. i'm sam stanley, if you ever need me.