mmmm. like a baby. you really think so? even the curtains? you were great last night, vince. be right down, sweetheart! vince checks his appearance in a dresser mirror, straightens his armani suit, brushes his hair, pulls it into a fashionable ponytail. he cuts a stylish figure. noticing an expensive gold lighter on the dresser top, he covertly pockets it. hurry up! i gotta make breakfast! hello -- the greco residence. sure. who may i say is calling. mr. burt klane? vince, it's for you -- oh no. * you borrowed from a loan shark to invest in the stock market? don't you think you're doing this too often? i'm really disappointed in you -- ratting on your best friend. you knew? and you never told me until there was a stranger listening? shit, what about my reputation? stop -- i'll tell -- he lives at 1622 westridge place -- he's got an office at the corner of highland and hollywood. i always loved you, al. it's just i couldn't resist vince. it's those eyes -- he does this thing with his eyes.