should you be here? 'course she's here -- -- climbing over the wall like that, i should call the police -- -- you're comedians -- i'll bet you are -- follow me. no -- this is an artist's colony; there's a lot of painters. you can't really own something like that view over there, or that sunset, can you? this way, please. the gardener ushers them towards a door in the garden wall. she opens it, politely stands back, letting them go through it. they turn back to look at her. mary anne benedict never understood why people wanted to buy her paintings. but for a brief period they were considered valuable. she used the money to buy whispering pines so that young artists would have a place to work. she never wanted to be famous. she just wanted to be left alone. because she passed away, some time ago. she is -- i meant her spirit. her spirit is always here. excuse me. the gardener gently closes the door in their faces. these real estate developers won't be happy until they turn this place into a golf course. they're shameless. they'll try anything. those men claimed to be my twin sons, if you can believe that. it was really quite disturbing. it's alright. you get over things. * i did have a child once, but he died * at birth. cut to: