i have a brother?!!! cut to: i have a twin brother?!! what's his name? vincent -- every time i loved something i called it vincent -- i called my first computer vincent! i have to find him! i know it is the cradle of democracy and the land of the free; besides, i speak twelve languages -- i'm sure i can get a job. my brother will look after me. it's your only copy -- thank you -- i'll miss you. it was an honor to study under you, master. without warning, the oriental tries to strike julius in the face with the side of his hand, but julius blocks the blow. i was just thinking, maybe my brother vincent is married. well, if a woman loved my brother enough to marry him, she might have a sister who'd feel the same way about me. that often happens with twins, you know. of course he does. i've always known there was something missing in my life! and deep down, i'm sure vincent feels the same way! he's probably just like meeeee! 'put on your red dress, baby 'cause we're going out tonight' a few passengers turn and look back at -- seated in the rear, still in his peasant garb, the bamboo suitcase resting on his lap. he has his headphones on and is singing along to the music, his eyes closed and his head bobbing. 'i better wear some boxing gloves, in case some fool might want to fight.' sorry -- i've never heard this music before -- i love it. * she sighs, leans over him, fastens his seat belt, while julius gazes down at her ample cleavage. thank you, betty lou. actually, i'm a horticultural botanist, a mathematician, and a philosopher. turns to the terrified elderly woman beside him who's clutching a hardcover bible in her lap. excuse me, ma'am. his mischief shall return upon his own hand, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own head -- psalm 7:16. in front now, there is a lot of activity as various pass- engers hold the highjacker, almost arguing over who's in control. julius looks at them a moment, puts on his headset, closes his eyes and is soon bopping away to the music. cut to: how wonderful. what an amazing country. cut to: sorry, but i don't smoke. pal? i. don't have a girl friend. do women really wear these things? yes, a small island in the south * pacific, about 300 nautical miles south-southwest of fiji. biker #2, bounds along, and when he reaches julius he grabs the handle of the leather case that julius holds, his plan quite obvious -- to steal the case and disappear into the crowded street. not an original plan, certainly, but one that over and over again, always works -- cut to: just sort of standing there, no big deal, not much effort showing on his face as biker #2 begins to slowly rise into the air as he and his cycle are about to be parted and then -- i did nothing, the pavement was his enemy. cut to: eyes almost closed as his skilled hands touch the guy a moment more. i would say -- a concussion -- a mild shoulder separation, and ribs four to seven are cracked. get him to a hospital. and in the future, you should both consider wearing helmets. a sweet smile. so, this is where my brother grew up. i'm glad he had so many friends to play with. * and that's where he must have slept. it's the one i would have chosen. it's next to the fire extinguisher. in case of a fire, i could have given the alarm, and saved the other orphans. tell me about him. was he a good athlete? did he like chess and poetry? this is him? he looks happy -- * i always liked biology. but i have to find him. where do you think he might be? trying to fight his excitement, watching as the prisoner moves toward him -- -- then past him. excuse me, but i'm looking for vincent benedict. vincent. dearest vincent. i have rowed halfway across the world -- no, wrong, i only rowed one day but i came halfway across * the world -- i know you don't know who i am, but believe me when i say i have been waiting for this * moment all my life. it's hard to tell what vince is feeling but clearly the look of dubiousness is gone. he picks up the phone on his side, gestures for julius to do the same. as julius does, vince at last speaks: vincent. cut to: dearest vincent. vince glances quickly around to see that no one is listening. i know you don't know who i am, but -- i came halfway across the world -- -- i don't know any klane brothers. i'm your brother, julius. i don't know any klane brothers. my name is julius -- i'm your twin brother. we're not identical twins. you don't believe a word i've said, do you? vincent, i don't lie. i am your brother. let me help you get out * of here. yes. how can bullshit walk? is that slang? i have some more money -- i am happy to help you, vincent. you're my brother. i love you. tossing cookies, that is more slang? i know what you're thinking? you're thinking that this whole twin business is what you call 'bullshit.' you can take some more money -- sure. that's -- -- your car, isn't it? cut to: we're twins! i'm so excited -- we'll go to museums together, discuss philosophy together, read books together -- play chess together -- deserted, alone in the sea of cars. behind him, is squeezing a pressure point on klane's neck, rendering him unable to punch out vince. julius maneuvers the klane off of vince and forces him down onto the floor. these are most unfriendly acts you are committing. i don't know what the problem is, but i'm sure it can be solved without resorting to violence. good. * julius lets go of klane, who gets to his feet, turns around, and instantly lets fly with his fist at julius's face. you moved too soon. klane spins and aims a karate kick at julius's head. julius coolly ducks it and sends klane crashing into a wall. an important rule in a crisis * situation -- negotiate first, attack last. you never negotiated. you don't know what kind of enemy i am. vincent's brother. you have no respect for logic -- * -- and i have no respect for those with no respect for logic. you're a very stupid person. as he heaves klane across the corridor into the open elevator klane crashes down hard just as the door slides shut and. cut to: i hate violence. i don't think i could fight for money. i'm worried about you, vincent. * they reach vince's mustang and get in. how much money do you owe? don't lie -- we're twins, i can feel your pain. twenty thousand? i'd love to. julius reaches into the glove compartment, takes out the car manual, begins speed reading it, running his index finger down the center of each page. learning to drive. vince isn't sure what's going on at this point. now julius studies vince's shifting moves, the way his hands work the steering wheel. now he's back to the manual. now he's staring at vince. vince and julius's heads are both in motion now -- julius's from the book to the wheel, vince's from the road to julius's finger. as their heads keep turning -- cut to: what's the matter? handicapped children? maybe we should try to open it ourselves. vince raises his eyebrows in mock surprise. of course -- it's for the children. cut to: holding the rear of the car several feet up in the air. when the back end is raised to an angle greater than 45 degrees, a mercury switch activates the automatic cutoff system. the alarm's computer thinks the car is being towed away and shuts off. vincent benedict's car. vincent! where are you? hi, vincent. the brake -- right. the brakes worked just fine! i'm sorry. i had no idea these magazines had things like that. inside them. julius tries to stuff the centerfold back into the maga- zine, but only manages to crumple it. linda and marnie exchange a look. as a matter of fact, a small tropical island, in the south pacific, about 300 nautical miles south-southwest of fiji. i only got here yesterday, but already * i've found my wonderful brother. * * my twin brother, vincent. linda and marnie, stunned, look from vince to julius. you all know each other? sisters? goodbye girls, see you soon. and he guns off too -- only in his excitement he's gone into reverse. i've only been drivng for an hour. now he follows vince. linda is your girl friend, isn't she? is marnie your girl friend, too? she hardly knows me. a beat. no. very much, they're. strange and sensitive and they have compassion. i have the highest respect for women. that's private. you named your cat, julius? he won the nobel prize. i think it's important we try to find our fathers. why are you being so immature about this? * vince throws down his napkin. dear sister anderson, your request for orphans benefits for vincent benedict has been denied. according to our files his mother did not die during birth. we have a current address for her at 172 canyon glen drive, los angeles. vincent's case seems to be one of simple abandonment and as such he is inelligible for aid. vince snatches the paper back. julius stares at him, just stunned. this letter was written thirty * years ago. we were five years old * -- our mother. didn't die when we were born. you've known all this time where she was and you never contacted her? vincent, if they lied to us about momma for all these years, maybe they lied to her, too. we must find her, we must check this address. * everyone seems so angry in america. i'm terribly sorry to disturb your party and i realize this might sound strange, but i'm looking for someone who lived here a long time ago. mary anne benedict. granger reacts; he's speechless. julius hands him the group photo of his mother, six fathers, traven, and werner. she was my mother. granger looks at the photo, then at julius. one of my fathers -- why didn't you? until yesterday i didn't even know she might still be alive. who told her we died? i have a twin brother, vincent. i'll go see him. no, i don't -- but i'm learning. vince, the most amazing thing has happened. i met one of our fathers. he told me of a man in new mexico who probably knows where momma is. she didn't abandon you -- she didn't even know you were born! and she was told that i died! -- new mexico is on the way to houston. vincent, we have to go see this man traven in new mexico! yes we do! and i'm coming with you! you're right -- i'll take a shower -- be right back -- 'put on your red dress, baby, 'cause we're going out tonight' she puts the photo back as the sound of shower stops. julius emerges from the bathroom, clutching a towel around his waist, and freezes at the sight of marnie. marnie -- excuse me -- i was just taking a shower. not at all -- i'm really looking * forward to tasting them. * * i should put on some clothes -- but i'm not sure. i hope vince doesn't mind if i borrow one of his shirts. that's a great idea, vince. what? no. why? we can't all be born beautiful like you, vince. some of us -- julius puts on the t-shirt and looks at himself in a mirror. emblazoned across its front is a hells angel death head and the motto: born to be bad. let's rock and roll. he opens the car door and climbs in. thank you. that's not necessary. i always sleep on the floor. vince looks askance at julius, then pulls the car away. hold on linda and marnie, gazing curiously after them. cut to: you still think i'm making it all up, don't you? cut to: he's lying! for the first time in my life, i am -- -- pissed off! i'm going to make him tell us the truth. marches inside, towards a startled traven, as vince tries to restrain him. * julius shrugs vince aside, approaches traven and shoves * the group photo into his face. * that's our mother -- those are our six fathers -- that's werner -- and that's you! start talking! approaches a delivery table, touches it gently, looks back at traven. it's not true, vince. he's wrong. tell us where our mother is. * dickhead! if you're lying to me. i'll be back. julius tosses him aside. you're wrong, vincent. your life's just about to begin. vincent, we're twins. * i know. we had six fathers, vince. we're different parts of a lot of different people. vince is starting to get interested again. and remember, i was taken to a beautiful island, protected, educated, loved, given every opportunity to grow, to dream, to create. but you had none of that. you had nobody. nobody to love you, nobody to trust you, nobody to encourage you. all life taught you was that the only person you could count on was yourself. tears begin to well up in vince's eyes. you're the missing part of my life and i'm the missing part of your life. and when we find our mother we can fill the missing part of hers. we won't be alone anymore, vince. we can be a family. vince looks at his brother. a beat. and a real home where you'll always be welcome. even when you've been bad. is this necessary? do i look okay? i read the book. we know where to find our momma! vince, you've got to help me -- i've never been out on a date before. what should i do? dance? you dance with them? * -- thank you for this, vince -- did you know they had beer in ancient egypt? actually it was invented by the assyrians, but the eygptians were the first people to perfect the malt fermentation process. but it's all from books. until tonight i never had a beer. all theory, no practice -- the story of my life! can i ask you a question? am i shit-faced yet? linda, surprised, does a spit-take with her beer. i better see if mine are, too. julius takes off after vince. you do that too, huh? i don't think she really likes me. were you nervous? for me, too, vince! sometimes i'm so happy, i want to pick you up and hug you! julius starts to do so, just as another man enters. what do you want? don't touch him. you moved too soon. the second rule in a crisis situation: if you choose to bluff, you must be prepared to have your bluff called. quite a few. they were formulated by a kendo swordsman in the 17th century, but their philosophical underpinnings can be applied to many other areas of life. where you going? what a day, vincent, we visited our birth place. we bought new clothes. we danced the waltz. we get into a fight -- we've got this great room. it just doesn't get any better than this. sits watching the tv, nodding in amusement, laughing, slapping his knee in pleasure. you forgot your key -- i know. lucky i waited up. julius opens the door, revealing marnie, who walks in right past him. either. i always sleep on the floor. good night. julius puts the blanket and pillow from the other bed onto the floor between the two beds, then shuts off the other lamp. silence. good night. good night. are you cold? no, please, take my shirt. i'm * baking. julius strips it off and hands it to her. she puts it on and pulls the blanket over her shoulder. again she shivers. you still cold? well, i could give you my. anything else? right. no -- that would be okay. they both lie down under his blanket. silence. sure. she starts to roll over julius, then pauses directly above him and looks him dead in the eye. anything. i. i'm crazy about you, marnie. but there's something about me you ought to know. i'm a virgin. i think i would have remembered. it's very beautiful, isn't it, vince? you mustn't always think of money. we'd like to see miss mary anne benedict, please. you think it's her? i do. we'd like to see mary ann benedict please; is she here? we're her sons. -- it is her -- we thought that that woman -- i can't wait to meet her. may i ask you a question? why do you keep referring to her in the past tense? take it easy, vincent. it's not her fault. all i wanted was to make us into a family. we'll be fine. and maybe he'll be better off alone. he's been getting out of trouble all his life, he's good at it. i don't know much anymore -- on the island i was smart. here, i've only made things worse. don't worry, linda. i found him once, i'll find him again. he turns away. cut to: spinning back, grabbing her up, folding her into his arms, planting a world-class kiss on her mouth. hold on the two of them. * he puts on his sunglasses and strides into the airport. cut to: don't fuck with me. pal. the creep falls back. leave my brother alone! i've got the money. vincent's twin brother -- we're in this together. don't be nervous -- i hate violence and i never carry guns. i needed something to read on the airplane. you were going to get killed. i tried to distract him so you could escape. so, why didn't you go? nobody ever said being good was easy. you haven't got any friends. shoot him. this whole thing is his fault. pulls a gun from his sleeve and blows webster's weapon out of his hands. webster screams in pain, clutching his hand, dancing around. from the dead man in the car. i lied. i had to. vince beams with deep fraternal pride. then he turns to webster and snatches the case back. wait a minute. webster looks up. you've forgotten something. webster grips the case tighter. the third rule in a crisis situation. duck. suddenly the load hanging from the boom of a nearby crane smashes into webster's back, and then dumps on him, burying him in rubble. drapes his arm around vince as they walk towards the unharmed attache case full of money. you came back for me. i always knew you would. thank you, vincent. we're a good family. i'm sorry, vince, but we have to return the money. -- including us -- think how much * better you'll feel when it's out of our lives -- look at this, vince -- proposals from the red cross, unicef, the world health organization -- we should only have clients who do humanitarian work. mamma? watching them. now there are tears on his face, too. he goes to them, gently puts his arms around them, lifts them both up in to the air, cradling them. they're laughing. they're crying. they're holding each other. they kepp you up all night again, too? i think you need your diaper changed. what a surprise -- so do you. just think what we'd be like if we'd been raised together. 122: not your hollywood type. this is obviously a lady of character and talent. her name we will come to learn is mary ann benedict. she is on a hospital bed and being readied for surgery. twins - 4. 14. 88 3. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 4. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 5. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 6. twins - rev. 5. 25. 88 a6a. * twins - rev. 5. 25. 88 b6a. * twins - rev. 4. 15. 88 6a. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 8. * twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 9. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 10. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 11. twins - rev. 4. 15. 88 12. 13. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 15. * twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 18. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 19. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 20. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 21. 22. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 24. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 25. twins - 4. 14. 88 26. twins - 4. 14. 88 27. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 28. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 29. twins - 4. 14. 88 31. twins - 4. 14. 88 32. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 33. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 34. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 35. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 36. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 37. twins - rev. 6. 22. 88 38. twins - rev. 6. 22. 88 39. * twins - rev. 6. 22. 88 39a. twins - rev. 4. 22. 88 40. twins - rev. 4. 15. 88 41. twins - rev. 4. 22. 88 42. twins - rev. 4. 22. 88 43. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 45. twins - 4. 14. 88 48. )o( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 49. * )t( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 pm 50. * )t( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 pm 50a. )o( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 51. * )o( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 52. twins - rev. 4. 15. 88 56a. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 57. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 58. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 59. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 60. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 61. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 62. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 63. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 63a. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 65. * twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 66. twins - rev. 5. 25. 88 67. 68. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 69. twins - 4. 14. 88 77. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 78. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 79. 80. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 81. twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 82. * twins - rev. 4. 27. 88 83. * twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 84. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 85. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 86. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 87. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 87a. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 87b. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 88. 89. * twins - rev. 6. 22. 88 92. twins - rev. 6. 22. 88 a92a. * twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 93. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 94. twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 95. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 96. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 97. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 97a. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 98. twins - rev. 4. 22. 88 98a. twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 99. twins - rev. 4. 22. 88 100a. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 101. )j( twins - rev. 6. 16. 88 103. * )j( twins - rev. 6. 16. 88 104. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 106. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 107. * )o( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 108a. * twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 109. )o( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 110. twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 111. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 112. )t( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 pm 113. * )t( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 pm 113a. * twins - rev. 4. 22. 88 117. * twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 118. twins - rev. 5. 2. 88 119. twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 120. * twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 120a. * twins - rev. 4. 22. 88 121. * twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 122. twins - rev. 6. 22. 88 123. twins - rev. 6. 22. 88 124. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 127. twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 128. twins - rev. 4. 28. 88 132. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 133. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 134. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 135. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 136. * twins - rev. 5. 9. 88 137. )t( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 pm 138a. * )o( twins - rev. 7. 5. 88 139. 139a.* )u( twins - rev. 7. 25. 88 141. *