you total linda's car. you pawn * her stereo. you declare us as * dependents on your tax return!? linda! who, vincent? * -- that weasel, that creep -- that oily little slug -- that two-bit, two-timing, waste of space -- that pathetic, low-life pocket romeo. the answer's obvious. and that 'poetry' he pretends to write. they're old song lyrics, linda. linda stops pushing the cart and looks at her. excuse me. she reaches past julius to take a copy of cosmopolitan. julius drops the playboy, which falls open on the ground, with the centerfold revealed. flustered and blushing, he bends down to retrieve it, watched by marnie, who can't take her eyes off the sheer beauty of his physique. she's not bad. you didn't? where've you been? a desert island? your brother? twins? cut to: why do i think i'm going to see him again? like maybe tomorrow. happy birthday, vince. is julius around? * i heard you singing -- i baked some cookies for you. oh -- don't mind me. she turns her back to him. just don't try wearing his pants. they both turn as -- i'm not sure. he said they'd provide one hundred percent of the average daily requirement of fourteen source vitamins in a high-fiber form that's an integral part of a properly balanced diet. i really hope so. julius. as he walks past, julius slaps her five. good luck. * see you later. er. no. he knows a lot about everything. julius polishes off the bottle, belches. anything. you're getting there. vince gets to his feet. well, i phoned work and told them we wouldn't be coming in for a few days. oh, i forgot to tell you -- we've been fired. but we just went. linda takes marnie by the hand, just as -- -- ow! hi -- vince and linda want to be * alone, so i'm afraid i'm going to stay here. which bed should i take? good night. this mattress is awful. getting out of bed, she pulls the blanket and pillow with her as she steps over julius, who tries not to look up, and gets into the other bed. sorry. good night. this mattress is just as bad as the other one. this is better. good night. it's alright. just my legs. thanks. i'd love a glass of water. thanks. oh, great! do you mind if i share your blanket? -- mine's all wet. could we switch sides? i like to sleep on the left. can i ask you something for a change? do you like me? i mean, even a little bit? what? are you sure you've never done this before? and one from us -- julius smiles happily at vince's thoughtfulness. vince, all she meant was -- he dumped us in the middle of new mexico. he may need you. don't you realize you could make things a lot worse if you don't do something. julius -- you're still very smart it's just you're not thinking so well right now -- on account of what you found out at whispering pines -- but you're not alone, you know -- i mean, you live long enough, everyone's mother dies. be careful. * watching.