i don't know who you are and i * don't know what you're talking * about. now get the hell out of * here before i call security. you turned out just like i thought you would, vincent. what did you do, escape from prison? vince stops dead, shell-shocked. i named you. vince's jaw drops as he realizes -- * this room was sealed as soon as your mother gave birth. you came out first, of course. we weren't expecting him. gazes contemptuously at vince. we weren't making milkshakes. we were making the most fully- developed human the world has ever seen. wrong. the embryo split in two, but it didn't split equally. all * the purity and strength went into julius. all the crap that was left over went into what you see in the mirror every morning. just look at him -- you haven't got the brainpower to understand this -- vincent, and i haven't got the time -- show's over. whispering pines. it's an artists colony. two hundred miles north of santa fe.