last play. slant red, right back on two. on two, scottie. it's a lock. a guaranteed td. i've already seen it. so relax. there's nothing to worry about 'cept one thing -- after we win and they're shoving cameras in your faces, i don't want to hear any "hi moms." guys, it's overdone, the fans are tired of it and if you have to thank some one you can just thank me. see you in the end zone. what's the rehab time? when do i play again? the patient's got a question! could you get him out, please? just get out! let's ease back into it with our bread he represented the nearest guy i could grab. --you've reached the jessica simpson hot line! jessica's going to tell you all about nick's surprise birthday party and her rockin' new panty line at wal-mart, but first, here's a little fan trivia to win a vip gold package back stage pass to jessica's omnicon hotels summer tour-- i'm in the middle of taping. yeah, a little. --kansas city is 7-1 against the point spread versus division opponents coming off a monday night game. take k.c. minus the six points. call tomorrow for my pro football game of the year -- tampa bay versus oakland. that's 900-656-3100. this is brandon lang saying good night and good luck everybody. i went 9-2 in pro football sunday and hit my third straight monday night parlay. i want a raise to 12 bucks an hour. you're not picking 75 percent. hey stu, where's the action this weekend? crazy. that game's gonna be won by coaching, stu. gruden put that tampa bay team together before he came to oakland, right? he knows every weakness of that team and every strength. he knows brown only likes to catch over his left shoulder and he'll have him double-teamed to the right. he knows gannon always throws on a 3-step drop and the linebackers will take away the middle of the field. gannon'll be intercepted at least 4 times on sunday. awesome dude. that's a righteous ride, denny. wanna bet? at least they kicked me a cap. hello. yeah? how'd you get this number? if you want picks, call my 900 line. who is this? do me a favor and lose my number, i gotta go to work. hello. this is a joke, right? i'm gonna pay. i'll pay you-- i thought it was a service. i've been in better. no. i played quarterback in college. division one. i used to sing at church. i don't know. i guess. when i was a kid i thought i wanted to be a pastor. obviously not now. i mean, yeah, i believe in god. that was six years ago. just the 900 number recordings, it was full time, i mean we got 10 bucks a call. how'd you afford that yacht if the picks are free? you didn't answer about the free picks. what's on the second floor? no, that clears up pretty much everything. me? no. why? really? what's she like? hi. nice to meet you. he makes all his employees do this? how often? weird. i've never had my nails done before. no thanks. i'm fine. excuse me? i've been pretty focused on staying in shape. i mean a beer once in a while. no. what about it? no. toni, huh? are you here full-time? well i'll tell you, toni. i bet on something once. risked everything i had and lost. i swore i'd never do it again. what? what? walter just said i was meeting a woman. he acted like. you're kidding me? coming here. the manicure. this was an interview? how'd i do? hold on. what's wrong with brandon lang? hello sports fans! this is john anthony in the big apple with my big money picks! the action starts saturday with college ball and our first matchup, michigan against indiana-- what's my sales pitch? 77 percent's my sales pitch. john anthony here, ready to make all your betting dreams come true! call now and let me win for you! the point spread in the indiana. michigan game's up to four, making that game a gimme-- i wasn't afraid of anything. i was working my ass off, trying to get back in the game. this is john anthony here, and from wall street to tokyo to hollywood, all your big money stays and plays with me! winning consistently's the name of this game and i always remain the same, winners on a consistent basis, 77 percent winners! so sit back and relax because c'mon! first too little, then too much -- tell me what you want. walter? are you okay? should i call someone? what are you doing? i'll have the bruketta and the -- this, with the pasta. bruchetta. actually, truth be told, i've never had a 12 dollar bottle of water either. no. i just, this place is great. i will tomorrow. my mom works nights at the casino, she'll sleep till three. oh, they're great. we talk all the time. mom's terrific. amazing lady. i got a little brother, denny, going to college next year. complete motor head. dad's a. well he's a sports nut. he was, i mean, it all came from that. very. she's cute. so are the two guys she's with. i don't bet, walter. you're beautiful. i just want to get to know you. i want to get into your mind, your heart, your soul. i don't see you wearing any pants in this equation. i'm brandon. what's your name? alexandria. beautiful name for a beautiful girl. you're telling me that all this is legal? no, he's in the middle of renegotiating. it's a tantrum, he'll play sunday. what's not to like? pleasure meeting you. by the way, jerry, new york's gonna win straight up. they always play the fish tight. tonight it's foregone, they win outright. you mean me? john anthony doesn't exist. look, making predictions is one thing -- but pushing people to bet, it's not me. you got a whole room full of salesmen. i don't want your money -- i don't want your money, i want your bookie's money! nothing, i just don't talk like that. it's not that i can't. why do i have to? i'm happy for you and your friend, walter, but i'm not using it. it's not me. let it go. where are we going? no, i mean, we walked in together -- what the fuck was that?! you heard me! i said what was that? so? hey, i stopped by to say hi, i'm brandon. i'm picking now with you and jerry. today's your day, amir! it's a pamplona thing, i'm running wild in the streets this weekend! starting with the hottest saturday of my life! how much can you lay with your bookie? 20 large? --amir, this is my lock of a lifetime! texas plus the six points! they win by two touchdowns! --amir, buddy, i'm talking about banging out the biggest win of your life. hold on, i got vegas on the line. tomorrow we gotta get you a new drink. but for now, this is what you're gonna do. first, you're going to bet 20 large on texas, then you're going to put on a good question. what about it? we take a percentage if we win, amir -- not exactly your problem of late, is it? it's simple, you don't get any more picks. comprende? so make the bet, make the drink and let's roll this into to hell with power ratings -- mcnab lost his dog yesterday! hunting accident. everyone knows you don't mess with a man who just lost his dog! take atlanta plus the points and send me ten thou western union by tomorrow, stan -- let's ride this wave into sunday! what's all the commotion? aversion to consistency? well that's consistent. that's me. you mean me. it sounds like a promotion. --i'm in. it's the only move. for six years i've been living on ramen noodles. for the should i wait a little to create some tension? of course i understand, i'm john fucking anthony. i've got the crystal ball. no. i'm scared shitless. this is different. there's no opponent. not in my case. you tell us, jerry. that's right, but with me it makes you m-o-n-ee! i'm picking 80 percent, is that a knock would be nice, jerry. no. i'll rush right over. stat. inside? i've got nothing inside. this wouldn't have anything to do with who? carl, john anthony here, how's the fast-food king? good-- let's get really wild and you can blow mine. toni put one of those lamps down in my room. the ladies do love it. denny, it's me. what'd i tell ya?. hey, it's your money, dude, you won it. well did you hook it up yet?. hell yeah, crank it, let me hear-- sure sounds like it! i'm heading out with some people, everything else cool? dad? no, why? really? let me ask you something, walter. have you been blocking any of my calls? does that include my father? that's not the point! you tell it, you seem to know. that's a really scary thought. are you serious, amir? you gonna fucking haggle with me over a measly 50 thousand on the 250 grand i won you this weekend? --the first time you call me you're in a hole the size of the grand canyon, you're crying about hocking your fiance's ring and this weekend you're phoning me from a suite at the bellagio that i put you in -- you know what -- i'm cutting you off. you want to continue with me, i'm tagging on a 10 percent aggravation tax! now get to western union and shoot me 75 grand by tonight and we'll kiss and make up. mom? never better. kicking ass and taking names. did you get the money i sent? good good good. i talked to denny. next month i'm flying you and him out here. first class. i'll put you up at the plaza. you'll love this joint. i made it. earned it. every fucking cent. put it in denny's college fund. it's just how people talk here. he's me. i'm him. he's pretty fucking salty -- geez, i'm sorry, mom -- i mean yeah. look, the main point is i'm learning a lot here. i appreciate the concern, ma, but the checks i've been sending -- the checks you've been cashing -- those are from john anthony. gotta put you on hold, ma. what do you know about him? no, but i want a bonus if we pull it off. relax, i'll get in character in the car. walter? your vial -- where's your pills, walter? hold on, walter we're getting help! oh my god. listen to me. walter -- walter. you're gonna be fine. hold on! save your strength. help's coming. help's coming. of course i do. i do. i really do love you. a lot! now don't talk. save your strength, walter. what? you sick fucking fuck! that was too goddamn fucking far!!! it's a privilege to meet you, mr. novian. you have a beautiful home. let's start with how much you bet. nice round number, is that our ceiling here? is that the most we're working with? do you rent that yacht out there? well, sir, that's how i feel about this weekend. that may sound cocky, i don't care. i didn't come down here to lie. if i did i wouldn't share that with you. my record speaks for itself. the truth is i know these teams better than they know themselves. i'm going 12 for 12 this weekend, and that includes the monday night parlay. with all due respect, mr. novian, you can't afford not to. can you? what i'm saying is can you -- can anyone for that matter -- afford to lose as much as a man like you probably needs to bet to feel a win? winning's a funny thing, mr. novian. it's one of those rare commodities on earth money can't buy. or was, until you called me. the price is a quarter million, mr. novian -- up-front -- in addition to a percentage of every game you win. and we've never charged it before. but with what you're betting, 250 up front's a bargain. you want this weekend's winners, that's my offer. take it or leave it. nope. three questions. what's your mother's name? what street did you grow up on? who do you like monday night? pick one. i'll do your job tomorrow, today you do mine. pick one. stop stalling. you know who's playing. seattle versus new orleans. sure i can! over 34 points or under! like a lot more than that. relax. i think we know i can pick. today i'm picking you. the outcome'll be the same. didn't they tell you? there is no if. how much of that big stack's mine? a 100 fucking thou? on two million? i was thinking of ten percent. i got you novian. you can afford to, you're holding it all. c'mon, i only want what's fair, walter. i'm winning. i'm winning. it's just like sex. you start by massaging the numbers, very relaxed, i have a 10:30 tee time at wingfoot with a client, that howell guy. don't call me unless the lines change. fun? senor, you have obviously never played wingfoot. i'm not asking you if i can leave, walter -- i'm telling you that's how it is, understood? you want my picks, hell i'll make 'em now. i don't need it. nice neighborhood. i'm in the zone, walter. locked in. you want my picks, i might as well do it now! where're you headed? come on, get in. i'll give you a lift. some ride, huh? feel that? feel that? why? this car was made to go fast. c'mon, toni, loosen up. that's not what i asked. what do you do for you, toni, for yourself. that's not living, toni. that's just maintaining. you cashed in. well, nobody's perfect. except me last weekend going 14 and hell yeah. you oughta try it some time. i'm gonna go work out. there's still monday night and the parlay. i don't know. monday night's fine. i don't bet. i like the pick, walter. with my mother in it. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! denny! hey -- yeah, i'm in a bar. of course in new york, i own this town. what's going on -- you okay?. tonight's game? you took my picks? how much?. what are you doing here? i had to get out. clear my head. nope. that's how i wanted it. just make the picks and get the results later. i think we kicked ass. i told you. last week was nothing. what'd i go? just give me the numbers, walter. fuck! enough. i get the idea, walter. son of a bitch. what the fuck-- this is my time off. it's how i clear my head. you want to talk, pick a time. i'm leaving. what the fuck is this about? if you don't like my picks, use someone else. you flew to new york for-- i'm sorry. i don't know what you want me to say. i'm sorry. i am. i'm very sorry. i am very, very sorry. that's a lot of money. i'm sorry! look, i'm not it -- i. no. it's not a good time. what do you need? i gotta pick a winner is what i gotta do. i gotta get back on track. i gotta figure this out. i'll figure it out. man, you got a doberman for a doorman. i came by to take you out for a late dinner and a couple of killer bottles of wine. c'mon. we'll go back to that place where we met. what the hell's gotten into you? what about that night? hello. amir? no, now listen to me -- we got a big weekend coming up, buddy what? i know what the problem is! i'll come back later. who were they? who were they? what's with the money, walter? what happened to the two mill, all the other money? you're betting my picks? i'm brandon lang, walter. brandon's the one who played sports. brandon's the one who can pick games. i lost touch with him -- myself. it wasn't an act, man. i became john anthony. but he's not me. if i go back to being brandon-- no thanks. i'll stay here. eat light. no, i'm fine. thanks anyway. maybe later. pressure doesn't help. that's who i like. you're looking at him. i'm finished. i'm done. i can't do this anymore, walter. i can't sleep at night. i can't eat. it's a lot more than that. walter, it's over. what use could john anthony be to you now? only an idiot would follow him after the streak i've been on. who said anything about next year? i'm not doing this next year. bullshit! don't talk to her like that. what time is it? hey, i didn't know you were coming. she is. nobody could. i gotta win one more game. it's still early. come in for a while. hey darlin'. congratulations, i didn't know. i can't take this. it's too much. turn it off. heads, new york. tails denver. heads, over. tails, under. wanna know about the picks? i flipped a coin to decide. wow. what an offer. the phones'll be flooded. you can't guarantee they'll win! it's insane! what if you lose? at least cap it out! i don't know what you're talking about. maybe he thinks he already did lose everything. it's not over yet, walter. i wouldn't change my bet. it's me. hey, hey the big winner. what's going on? c'mon, i know it's rough, it's supposed to be. a friend turned me on to the place. she said it's the best. i don't know, but i got an airport full of planes to choose from. yeah, i told her. we're up against a tough team today, toughest on our schedule. but you're ready for it. you're prepared. most important i want you to go out there and have some fun. enjoy yourselves. keep it loose. because you can't make me any more proud of you than i already am. team cheer, bring it in -- go get 'em! i'd bet on it.