the miami. new york point spread shifted a half tick up to 10. miami's still a lock. the win. loss ratios and rpi ratings are off the charts. i'm keeping it on my sheet. whoa, phone guy makes good. big jump from the 900 numbers. watch out you don't get a nose bleed. just kidding, best of luck, i gotta get back to work. really? listen up, stick to college, sonny. you have to work up to pro ball around here. nice try though. john anthony, huh? all i see's another wannabee in a 1000-dollar suit. word to walter, my patented computer models tell me we're looking at nothing less than the perfect storm of betting opportunities. but first, last week i cashed in a big-time call on on chicago as an outright winner over indianapolis -- making it my 8th straight top selection winner right here on this tv show! this sunday i have 5 match-ups i absolutely love, including miami at new york! stats, rankings, records, weather, the sykes system uses 42 proven indexs to eliminate the guesswork from sports wagering. without my patented, computer-based picks you have a better chance of seeing god knocking on your door with five strippers and a bag of bolivian cocaine than winning on your own! call me for my five games! absolutely free -- 800-238-6648! it sets you free? you know anything about stokley being out this weekend against the new york? i'm underwater here, man. yes or no? you know something. you hear anything, let me know. that's how this works. all inside information gets shared. f.y.i. -- we work as a team here, that's the way we do it. i'll do the same for you. so stop holding out on me, babe. listen you little shit, i've been doing this six years to your one. hey, it was a fucked weekend. no no no no no. what'd you mean? i landed that lead! that's my guy! he's raiding my fucking lists! what? john anthony's leading? two years i lead and you bury me in the deck over a few lousy fucking weekends? the sykes system's based on percentages -- the long haul. he leads, i'm walking. congratulations, brandon. or should i say john? either way it's amazing. i must say i am impressed. letting salesmen make your picks? that's balls. keep talking, sugarmouth. must feel pretty good to be that plugged in. you got a good streak going. well enjoy it while it lasts. the gambling gods are a fickle bunch, sooooo easily offended. i scored you the new mikes, walter. no wires to mess with. what do you think? listen, i think i should lead off. i have some really strong stuff. c'mon, i went 8 for 12 last weekend. i'm hot. i'm feeling it. what am i, wood? one weekend? the sykes system revolutionized this industry. what? i'm not fired, you need me more than ever. in six years my worst weekend was never as bad as any of his last three weeks! what the hell are you doing, walter? c'mon, man -- it's me, jerry. these other guys come and go. think what you're fucking doing!