i see a beautiful woman. what are you --all of 35? i have a girlfriend, she was stunning, went in to "tighten it up a bit" and came out with a permanent smile. even when she cries she looks like she's laughing. another, she's on her third eye lift. her skin's so tight, i swear, if you put an egg shell on her butt she'd look like a baby bird. oh yeah, first it's a tune-up, then it's something else, and one day you'll come teetering in with your new 36cs and a stretched face and you won't be able to say how unhappy you are because of all the collagen they shot in your lips. oh yeah, that's true. those were the good days. sometimes i like to just curl up on the ledge with my box of retouched photos and reminisce about rehab. i guess. must be the coffee talking. brandon? i'm toni. walter said you'd stop by. i know. every one. once. before they start work. you think? i can see that. no, do you drink? alcohol. are you a drinker? smoke? look, i'm sorry, i'm pressed for time. really? why not? it's my shop, i better be. why don't you gamble? so? well walter could definitely use someone with a little resolve in his life. he didn't tell you. brandon, walter and i are married. walter's got a weird sense of humor. you're swift. except for an illegal forward pass, enjoy your daughter's party. get out of your head, walter. it's a bad neighborhood. it's a waste, walter. he hardly drinks. i was a lot of things, walter, but i was never a drunk. --watch out, walter, he's a fixer. did you call home? let 'em know how you did? how you're doing? are you close with your parents? is your name brandon? what're they like? what'd the doctor say, walter? neither should you, walter. i'm not raising a kid alone. what the hell was that? i'd prefer brandon. monday's no good because i take julia to ballet. tuesday i work late at the salon. wednesday's a maybe if i can move a couple clients to after six but i'll have to check. i really want to come in with him. listen, i have to call you back tomorrow. the doctor, thank god, put walter,on an exercise program. i want to be there the first time he goes. make sure the trainer understands walter's aversion to consistency. he's always been that way. duck, brandon, here it comes. don't let him steamroll you. go on -- get to the good part, walter. think it over, brandon, don't decide now. well that's a thoughtful response. here i was, worried you'd rush your decision. listen to what he's asking you, brandon. it's four in the morning. what are you doing? -- 100 years. walter, come to bed. you're exhausted. get in bed. lie down next to me. come on. come here, walter. roll on your stomach for a minute. --i know. of course you do. this is no time to sleep, walter. can't sleep now. just because you're so tired. completely, totally, utterly exhausted. i'll be here when you get back from your okay, let me just put the groceries away. so do i. go put your dress on. i don't give a damn who you got her for! we have a 6-year-old in the house, walter! what the hell is going on here? who the hell's john? you got brandon a hooker? what the hell are you creating here, walter? helping him? really? like the others before him? are we actually going to have this conversation? are you completely clueless? of what?! you really are fucking crazy, walter! that never entered my mind! fuck you! let's walk, you could use the exercise. walter. i didn't have a great home-life either. --he gets the idea. walter, please. the big winner. how are you doing? are you gambling again, walter? look me in the eye and say it. it's never over, walter. you know that. some of us have to work. slow down, brandon. not with me in it. i stay busy. yes it is. "what do i do for myself?" if you drove past my salon and went two blocks down prospect street you would have found me 20 years ago with a needle in my arm. i was a 5-bag a day junkie. i would have sold julia to get high. keeping it all on track, that's what i do for myself. what the hell does that mean? are we talking perfection here? yeah, that's living. it's me, brandon. can i come in? i need to talk to you, it's important. you need to get out, brandon. you need to go. it won't matter. you could go 100-and-0 and it won't be enough -- it'll never be enough. he'll ride you into the ground. please, brandon. meaning what? i didn't realize i had to choose. you can't own someone, walter. walter was delayed, he's coming back in the morning. asked if i'd fill in. julia did her ballet recital today. god she was beautiful. i can't believe i'm here again. i saw it coming. i just. i just couldn't stop it. he won't stop on his own. he can't. you can't fix this, brandon. i don't think so. brandon-- happy anniversary. they're for evening. i know. he asked me not to. i'm sure it's in the letter. what do you mean? he had enough. he wanted his life back. yeah, loud and clear, by leaving. yeah, tell me. no. you're missing the game. do i have to? really? another "lock of the year?" you mean you lied to me about the trip! i guess you had the whole thing planned? put me out there on a tray! you played me! brandon was right. son of a bitch! best pick he ever made. you were gambling with me that night, walter. brandon knew it. knew you. he told me he was sure you were watching somehow. so he asked me in to spend the night, put on a show. i didn't believe him -- i mean after all we've been through -- but i figured what the hell. and now i find out you've been thinking ever since then that we did sleep together? living with it like that? looking at me like that? you sick fuck! you wanted to lose! you set us up! like i was something you just toss on the table! only we booked your bet, walter!