hey! you there! don't call me old man. ain't you got no respect, boy? yeah i want something. i want you to run over to that machine and get me a pop. hell no, i can't do that myself. i'm blind. can't you see that? what'd you think i was doing out here with these glasses on? sunnin' myself? i ain't got no eyes. you want to see? lost my eyes in vyee-et-nam. lost them fighting the commies. fought the war and lost my eyes fightin' the commies just so you can come around here and make fun of me. don't be sorry. just run over there and get me my pop before i die of thirst. change? you want my change? i fought the war and lost my eyes just so i could give you my change? get me a dr. peppa! i don't want no colas. colas ain't nothing but flavored water. don't forget to open it for me. i can't be opening my own bottle. a little for mother earth. i'm about fifty percent indian, you know. to all our relations. ah! just what i needed! want some? that's 'cause he's dead. i hope you wasn't pettin' him none, was you? he's only just dead. what was i supposed to do with him? i can't take him away anywhere. and nobody wants to take him for me. do you? see. ain't nothing i can do but keep him here beside me. that's where he belongs anyways. me and jesse, that's my dog, not anymore, but me and jesse we been pals since the war when i lost my eyes. he was just a pup then. a companion that's loyal, that'll keep coming back to you no matter how much you kick him. i miss him. i'll see ya later, unless i come across something worse. it's the desert that makes you crazy. the loneliness out here. nobody to talk to. people on the run. trailer parks. white trash. i seen some peculiar things on a hot day. i seen a scorpion sting itself to death. it just keeps driving its tail into its body again and again. a little killer killing itself. seen a coyote kill itself too. just kept on biting and tearing at its own legs. near tore one clean off before it bled to death. and what a white man'll do when it's freezing one moment, hot as hell the next. a man could get hisself killed just for rubbing shoulders with another kiss kissy kiss. nice pussy y'see, see it coming. i don't know what it is about the desert. i figger it's sort of like putting a kettle of water over a fire. people is mostly water. we boil when it's hot. 'cept when we boil the water's got no place to go. it just churns inside of us until we can cool off. if it's not too late. just 'cause i ain't got eyes doesn't mean i can't see. i can see just fine. for example: you're a young man who thinks he's got someplace to be. or maybe you just think you do. just another small town. one guy chasing you. you go big town. just gonna have four guys after you instead. kiss kissy kiss. it gets down to one thing -- are you a human being or are you one of those hungry ghosts out there never satisfied with nothing? cause you gotta remember you can run just as far as you can, but wherever you go, that's where you gonna be. what do you want for free? seems like i do but only cause end of the day we're all eyes in the same head. and everything is everything. and everything is nothing too. think you'll live that long? cocksucker motherfucker! cops. i hear you. always sneaking around. thinks i can't see him. well he's right. motherfucker. but that ain't mean i don't know what's going on around here. they're all cursed. yes sir. all them miners last century. hungry ghosts, killed off all the indians. up at the mine. earth ran red with blood, think i'm fooling around here. white sky was on fire. grown men cried like babies. i saw a flash, then darkness descended upon me. they put me in the joint. took my eyes. i cursed them. white people can't seem to stay away from indians . you gotta watch where ya put your fingers. pussy pussy pussy, indian pussy. so now you're going to tell me where i lost my eyes. you don't think i know where i lost my eyes? i was there when i lost them. i lost them in the war. the war in the joint. there's always wars in the joint. cause i was a code talker in the joint and in the war too. mmmm, nothing like the smell of a naked lady. be careful, boy. well, people gotta get by somehow. that's the curse. the mines done it. all that uranium, plutonium, fuffonium, fuckononium, assononium, all that "om"! everybody's got a mother. you don't rip up your mother. you don't rip up the earth and take everything out. it's like the cracker jack box says, "the more you eat, the more you want". but ain't you got a little something for the infirm? your lies are old, but you tell 'em well. well, that's it. sun's going down. people go home, trade stories over dinner. they'll talk about the day, about the heat, laugh about something crazy it made them do. they'll kiss, sleep a few hours, then do it all over again. ain't over yet. night is part of day; separate, but equal. night is when you let your guard down; when you see things in the shadows and hear things in the dark. night is when you want to sleep, but the dry heat keeps you tossin' and turnin'. it's when you wish the sun was bakin' high in the sky so you could see what it is you're afraid of. afraid of it? boy, i live in the dark. all cause of a woman who made me this way. people are afraid of what they can't see. i can't see nuthin', so it's all the same to me. kiss from a beautiful woman, kissy kissy kiss, a lick from a dog, slurp, slurp, the kiss of death . it's all the same to me. more or less. nothing makes the great spirit laugh harder than a man's plans. we all got plans. i planned on seeing all my life. i know you didn't plan on straying into town. well, don't say i didn't warn you when things go your way. used to be a young smartass like you. then i got smart with the wrong man's daughter. got some acid poured on my peepers for my trouble. you know human beings ain't always just human -- they got animals living inside 'em too. people give spare change to war heroes not fools. all fools get is pity. may not have eyes, but i see. and you, boy? you got my pity. oh, she was worth it. she was worth every black minute since. things ain't always the way they seem. you got to ask yourself: is it worth it? day comes earthmaker is going to look in your fucking heart! then you better know what it is you're doing. are you a human being -- or just one of them hungry ghosts out there floatin' around? you know i won't be seeing you. cheap bastard. gives me back my own money. well, jesse, time's up, let's go for a walk.