get off the goddamn road! fuck you! no!. not now!. shit! oh shit! you harlin? harlin around? will he be back soon? you own this place? then why do you call it harlin's? but he's dead. you want to take a look at my car? i think the radiator hose is-- look, harlin, i've got places to be. ok. darrell. could you just take a look at my radiator hose. it's busted. so? i know it's busted. what did i just tell you? if i could do you think i'd be standing here wasting my time. can you fix it, or do i have to go somewhere else? okay, i'm stuck. you happy? now can you fix it, or not? great! how much time? jesus. twenty-after-ten and it must be ninety already. accident. i'm very interested in this but is there someplace. i'll be back in a couple of hours. and be careful with her, will you? it's not just a car. it's a sixty-four and half mustang convertible. that's the difference between you and me, and why you live here and i'm just passing through. now do you mind? i got to get some stuff out of the trunk. you want something, old man? you want something? you can't do that yourself? i'm sorry, i didn't-- i don't know. i thought you were keeping the sun out of your eyes. christ no! i said i was sorry. yeah, sure. you got change? all right, old man. christ. christ! i'll pass. i think you'd better give your pooch a sip. he looks sick. oh, jesus. what the hell are you keeping a dead dog around for? hell no! can i give you a hand, beautiful? that's right on my way. my name is bobby. now i'm not a stranger anymore. see how easy it is for us to get to know each other, beautiful? i don't know your real name. maybe, but if you didn't i think you would have kept on walking. i like that about me, beautiful. may i carry your package, grace? jesus. i got it. no! no, i've got it. accident. no trouble at all, really. wasn't nothing. that's all right. i got it. you're welcome, grace. why you say that? just because i help a lady with her package? i just drove in this morning. didn't have a choice. my car overheated up the road. not until my car's fixed. i don't know how long that's going to take. morning, officer. same here, officer. well, i could use something cool. all over. chicago, houston, detroit. just lately dallas. i guess i've got wander in my blood. i don't know. i have to make a stop in vegas. business to finish. then maybe i'll head to santa barbara. i might be able to pick up some action there. cooper. bobby cooper. oh you know, whatever pays best. little bartending, used to teach tennis, played a little competition . . if you're going to gamble, might as well play for high stakes. i pack up and go somewhere else. i couldn't stay in this place. i wouldn't. i'd just pick up, do whatever i had to do, and get out. look, i'll get the money! you don't want to do this! that's good. cools you right off. i saw you watching me. i didn't say it bothered me. i guess. i've got an ego same as any man. nice place. who's that, your father? must get kind of lonely for a woman living by herself in a big house. what do you do anyway? where'd you learn to do that? a medicine man? nice house for a shaman's daughter. you must be good. my face tell you all that? the same thing you do. what? like you. nothing like a little liveliness. i have an idea. all right, grace. no more games. you flirt with me, then you run cold. you lead me on, then slap me down. i don't go for being jerked around. i think i can find my own way back to into town. i'm just flesh and blood, baby. that and a few memories of bad women; just like most guys. but you already know that. you read my mind, remember? thanks for the lemonade. still playing? you know what i want. who the hell are you? easy, chief. i. i was helping your wife. i met her in town. she needed a hand with her drapes. that's all. i swear to you that's all that happened. i haven't so much as set foot in your bedroom. grace, tell him. damn it, grace! tell him. you broke my nose! goddamn it! i'm. you're lucky i don't sue you. you people are crazy! fuckin' shithole! what the fuck do you want? yeah. accident. yeah, i know. more careful. that's a solid name. bobby cooper. an overheated car. darrell's a moron. california. got work. i know a man who's got a boat. wants me to sail it for him. i hope so. listen, mckenna about your wife: if i had known she was married-- wait a second-- hey! can't live with them, and you can't shoot 'em. like you don't know. would i what? i've done a few things but i'm not a murderer, mr. mckenna. this is a joke, right? you just want to rattle me. right? who are these people? got any cold soda? soda. you got any soda? soda. you know. not eat. drink. what the fuck is drink in spanish . uh, agua? it's just books. no. no! no police. no police until i leave. hey. nothing. just banged my head. it was an accident. what the hell happened to my car? how much!? to replace a goddamn radiator hose!? about an hour and a half, because that's all the longer i've been gone. that's a ford, not a ferrari. you going to tell me no one else in this shit hole drives a ford? what's that got to do with the radiator hose? it might as well be fifteen-hundred dollars, because i don't have the money. listen, man. i got rolled half an hour ago for everything i had. i've got five. six dollars. i don't have a goddamn credit card. look, i got a movado. it's worth at least seven, eight hundred. you could sell it for that. you don't need numbers. that's why it's expensive. look at the gold. you son of a bitch! i'll have my lawyers shut you down. what sign? fuck the sign. i want my car. you got a beer? beck's. heineken? genuine draft? i'll fuckin' take it. to go. and a waitress named flo. christ. fucking cat. what? i cut it shaving; i know, i gotta be more careful. that country shit all sounds the same to me. cause she's dead. i've had time to get over it. oz. you're too quick for me. i wasn't doing anything. make time? is everybody in this town on drugs? then maybe you should've. look, pal, i wasn't making a play for your girl. i don't care what you believe as long as you leave me alone. what? you want to fight? over her? let's see. they're not very imaginative? fine. i was making time with your girl. now i'm scared to death and i learned my lesson. now can you go away? christ, i don't believe this! i wasn't hitting on your girl! sure, i'll try. cici? cici, it's bobby. bobby cooper. yeah, look, i know it's been a while, but i'm kind of in a jam. yeah. one-hundred-fifty dollars. that's a lie. i called you on your birthday. two years ago. i can't help it if you didn't get the message. cici, honey, i don't want to argue. i need you to wire me the money. because they're fucking going to kill me! i didn't steal your cd's. yeah, well where's my mr. coffee. cici. cici. bitch. cunt. 73-11, this is pluto. what's the line on dallas? mike. mike. you asshole. i know, mr. arkadin. i know. i was on my way to you, it's just . what a day i've had. i know i'm coming up with a highly improbable story, and i know you're not going to believe this, but this . is. what happened. i had the money, i swear i had it. i was on my way to vegas when my car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. and that's not the half of it, mr. arkadin. right, mr. arkady. and that's not the half of it. i got your money, and i go into this little grocery store in this hicktown to get something to eat and then. well, it gets robbed! no. two of them. two robbers. and they both get nailed. get shot by the old lady. with a shotgun! she kills both of 'em, and. and the money in my bag gets all shredded to bloody pieces. not one bill is left alive. i mean, what are the odds? mr. arkady, honest, i ad to beat it outta there before the cops showed. so now i don't have a cent to my name. i can't even get my car out of the garage. i tell you, mister. if it weren't for bad luck i wouldn't have nay fuckin' luck at all, you know? so, i was wondering if you could wire me a hundred fifty-dollars so i could get my car out of this garage, see? the bus depot here has a western union thing. and of course i'll pay it back with the rest of the money. but which i can get. no problem. look, i can sell my car in vegas. blue book it's worth 16 at least. i just need the 150, uh. yeah, if you could send it care of. a hundred-forty-five would probably cover it. shit i'm sorry!. you can't believe the strain i'm under. i'm just under a lot of strain here. hello? yeah. goddamn rat's ass fuck! shit! damn! damn! damn! fuck! fuck! fuck! i hate this fuckin' town! i hate it! do you hear me? get me outta here, please. i gotta get out of this place. i was hoping we could talk. about things. about your wife. about what you said this morning. you said you had an insurance policy out on your wife. fifty-thousand dollars. you said you'd cut that up with the man who did her in. don't play simple with me, jake. you're a betting man. you want me to spell it out for you? i'll kill grace if you cut me in on the money. i'm not rambling. well then, i guess that qualifies me for citizenship in this town. you're the one brought it up. this morning. in your car. bullshit. you wanted me to kill her. you meant it. because you're a slimy bastard who would have his wife killed just to get his hands on some money. the slimy bastard who's going to do it for you. you're a jealous man jake. if you can't have grace to yourself. well, you're not the sharing kind. you love her, but you hate her? make it twenty. how much could you get? i need thirteen. we're not talking about buying a car jake. we're talking about killing your wife. it's thirteen, or it's nothing. i'm not your boy. i don't like you. i got no choice but to do business with you. let's just call this a nasty little marriage of convenience. how do you want it? you want to do this yourself? i don't have to do this, you know. come to think of it, how 'bout some money upfront? and tell her what? i know you're not surprised i'm back here, cause you can read my mind and all. yeah, well i said i was an idiot. whatta you say we get out of here, take a drive somewhere, talk. guys like me take those chances. let's go. are there snakes out here? doesn't the isolation bother you? you love him? did you ever? is that why you're with him? i'm guessing no. i take it things didn't much work out the way you planned. you could leave him. walk away. you need a meal ticket is what you mean. some guy you can latch onto just long enough for him to get you out of here. what's the matter?. grace? don't feel like nothing. grace, i've been fucked over too many times, by too many women. you're becoming the queen of hot and cold. try me. nothing i understand better than a mess. you mean the shaman? yeah. i'm sorry. yeah. oh yeah. it's far, it's another world. oh yeah. it's beautiful, beautiful beaches. blue water and clear skies as far as you can see. honey, baby, i can't. i can't even get out of here myself. believe it or not, i need a lousy hundred and fifty bucks to get my car back from that crazy mechanic. you don't have any money put away, do you? you could get me money. i'll get you out of here. where? what do you mean? in cash? one-hundred-thousand!? that son-of-a-bitch. if the key's on him, how do we get the key? i can't kill, grace. i can't kill anybody. shit! listen to you. are you crazy, grace? jesus christ! i think this place is making me crazy. i was crazy to come back here and see you. i'm crazy for listening to anyone in this town, and i'd sure as hell be crazy if i spent another minute with you. i. take me back to town. no! you sure seen a lot for a blind man. that a fact? maybe i do. i think i've heard that before. you sure got a lot of philosophy, old man. what? who's cursed? i thought you said you lost your eyes in the war? musta been some bad ass nuclear tests here in the 50's. this town's all inbreeding. i got things to do. i'm a little short pops. i'll catch you next time. for what? i hate to bust your bubble honey, but i wasn't defending you. i wasn't going to fight for you. i was just going to beat the shit out of your boyfriend. get it through your head, little girl; i'm not going for you. if this toby likes you, then if i were you i'd marry him. you're not going to get much better in this town. how old are you? no, i don't want to take you for a ride. what i want is for . hey, you don't think you can get $150 from your parents, could you? oh, shit! i wasn't sneaking around with your girl. would you please tell him? what the hell are you talking about? yeah, i know. you're tnt. just like dynamite. when you go off somebody gets hurt. all right. let's do this. will you shut up! harlin's. no, sir. i'm not going to be around long if that's what you're worried about. yeah, fell down and hit a rock. not as bad as it looks. sounds like it. i wish i could help sheriff, but i just want to get my car and get on up the road. yeah, well, i've been around the bend a bit. you've been there? you believe that? that's a good piece of advice, darrell. listen, darrell, about that hundred-fifty bucks for the car, as soon as i get where i'm going i swear i'll-- what? you said this morning the hose was going to run me one-fifty. i didn't tell you to replace any gasket. i don't give a fuck! i didn't tell you to do it! you can't just do unauthorized work. what sign? what reputation? you're nothing but an ignorant, inbred, tumbleweed hick. listen you stupid fuck, i want my car. no! okay! okay! look, harlin. darrell. i'll get you your money. i just have to get something out of the trunk. what the fuck did you do to my trunk? and you had to go into the trunk, didn't you? i need a ticket. out of here. i . mexico. you got a bus that goes to mexico? that's where i have to go. i don't care, just get me there. how much? one way. twenty-seven, fifty. that's all i got. please, ma'am, you don't understand! i have to get out of here. they're going to come looking for me. they're going to kill me. if i can't get this ticket then i'm going to have to do things to get out of here. you know what i mean! i don't want to hurt anybody, i just want to leave. please. i can't. i can't. i'm sorry. it's just . you know . holy shit! ow! you idiot! you don't even know what you're fighting over! get away from me! give it to me! i'm leaving. you never have to see me again. just please, give me the ticket! nooo! hello, grace? it's bobby. i wanted to talk. what about us? except i can't get you out of my head, grace. why? am i making you hot, or does the truth scare you? i mean it, grace. i'm getting out of here, and i want to take you with me. i could if i had jake's money. i don't give a damn about the money. i want you, and i want to get us out of this shithole. there's only one way to do that. i came back for you; this morning i came back. before i even knew about the money. you're what i want. the only reason i stormed off is because you spooked me talking about jake. but i've had nothing but time to think about it. it keeps coming back to you and me and us getting the hell out of here. but we've got to get the money, baby. we get the money, i get the car, then we get the hell out. we don't have to kill him. just knock him out and tie him up 'till we get away. it was your idea, remember? i'm doing this for you. i'm doing this so you can fly. fly like a bird. grace . grace? the day wasn't so bad. we all got through it all right. difference between you and me, old man, is i see the glass half full, you see it half empty. you afraid of the dark? so, we're all just floating along like twigs in a stream, so enjoy the ride. is that it? not this twig, friend. i got plans. no and i don't plan on sticking around either. you got a lotta philosophy in you, old timer but you don't fool me for one second with all this blind man crap. one minute you lost your eyes in vietnam, next it's the joint. now it's a woman? i'm hep to you. time's up. any last words of wisdom? you are crazy, you know. be seeing you, old man. that's my gun. that fucking darrell! it's not what you think, jake. wait a minute. just listen to me. i came for grace. it's the truth, jake. maybe i don't like being played, like she played us today. maybe i don't like that at all, jake. i'm just pissed enough, maybe i'll rip the neck off my own grandmother. damn it, jake. there is a guy coming to kill me, and if it comes down to me or grace, then i pick grace. you were going to give me thirteen-thousand. give me two-hundred. i'll kill her and dump the body where no one will ever find it. she showed me the perfect place. there won't be enough left for an autopsy. but i need the the money. i've got to have the money. wanna give me my gun? how 'bout the pipe? what are you talking about! come on, jake -- o.k.! i admit it! i fucked her! but it's her you have to worry about, not me! she wants you dead, jake. she wants you dead and she wants your money. how did the evening end? after you went to bed did she linger a bit? maybe just long enough to leave the door unlocked? is that what happened? you know what kind of woman grace is, jake. you know how badly she wants to get the fuck out of superior. what's she to you, jake; a woman who wants you dead? let me kill her. all i want is two-hundred dollars to get out of here with. two-hundred dollars. i'll do it! i'll kill her! grace, goddamit, do something! what the hell'd you wait for? no! you get it! open up! i want my car. that's none of your business. get the keys. yeah, like al capone on tax day. get the keys? all i got's a hundred, darrell. you got change? figgers. there's a scratch on the hood and how much you make selling my gun? deduct it. course you don't. tell me something darrell. forty thousand people die every day! how come none of them are you? and the trunk key. i . nothing. i just stubbed my toe on a rock. hurt like hell. good thinking. what's all this? i can't see it. hey! take it easy. want to get us killed? i don't know about that? we've still got some dead weight to get rid of. i want a place where only the vultures will find him. it'll be over soon, grace. i'm not sailing his boat. we're going to buy a boat of our own baby, and sail it wherever we want to go. what the hell? why not? where should we go? you already have. you know i thought you'd left me back there. we're gonna pull this off, grace. he must've seen us swerving on the road, that's all, just gonna give us a ticket for swerving. fuck this!. just shut up, grace. we done nothing! be cool. let me do the talking. he doesn't know anything. what! you fucking him too grace? is everybody fucking everybody in this town? grace. no! he was in love with you grace. he would've done what you wanted, you could've made a deal and . he was a cop, grace, they never stop looking for you when you kill a cop. ask you what? you mean what kind of horrifying sick shit is coming next? let it go, baby. it's the past. i got a past. why? and us grace? what do we deserve? i don't want to think anymore. no grace, my hand's bothering me. you could give me my gun back. i think nothing happens. you're dead meat. that's it. i believe in this moment, that's all. there is nothing else. come on. he must weigh 300 pounds. well, nothing. we dump jake, we split the money, then you're on your own. why? so when the cops catch up with us you can sell me out again? you lied to me all along! lies, all lies. your mother, your father, what story are you on now? how come the town didn't know you was his daughter? when you're finished with me, i'm next! i been there, baby. i been there with other cunts. sorry, not anymore. i'll take you as far as california. if we can make that. after that you're on your own. try mexico. with all this bread, you can live like a queen. i think you're a lying, back-stabbing psycho bitch, and one day you'll kill me. but it's nice to know you cared. give me a hand. poor old jake, a few drinks, a fight with the sheriff over his wife. and both of 'em ended up dead. time to go for a walk, jake. save the mom routine, will ya grace. it doesn't work with me. one, two, three. look, it's not so bad we split up. it might be months before they find these guys. if at all. i mean with the mountain lions around here. remember, if they can't find no bodies, there's no crime. we'll be in phoenix by noon. lose this car, get another one. texas, mexico are big countries, all that money grace, you'll meet someone else, you know, there's a lot of hope with a $100,000. but we all need that too. hold him. you make a pretty couple. won this in a poker game in reno. god knows who it's registered to. you shoulda been more careful, jake. see you later. now all we got to do is try and-- grace! help me, grace! we been through too much together. we've only had one day, but you and me have been through more than most people ever will. i know you were angry at me, and, you know, you were right! i'm sorry i hit you. i was wrong about leaving you. you don't belong in mexico. thank you. thank you. i. i knew you wouldn't leave me, grace. i busted my leg! grace -- in the trunk of my car is a tow rope. it should reach down here. go get it, throw it down. i can't throw that far. you got to climb down here and get the keys. you can make it. it's the only way grace. grace!. please, grace! you have to help me. 'cause i love you. and love's a funny thing. sometimes i don't know if i want to love you. or kill you. i love you grace, but i just can't trust you! he can't help you now, honey! you're still lucky.