nope. darrell. he's up at the look out. doubt it. he's dead. the look out's a cemetery. yep. 'cause harlin used to own it. so? damn. gonna be another hot one today. sometimes i don't even want to get out of bed. course don't want to get out for the cold one's neither. then of course the clouds come in. darrell-- it's your radiator hose. it's busted. well, you know so much why don't you just fix it yourself? somewhere else? mister, somewhere else is fifty miles from here. only other gas station down in town closed 3 years ago when the mine got shut. yeah, i can fix it. gotta run over to the yard and see if i can find a hose like this one, or close enough. gonna take time. time. twenty-after-ten. ninety-two. course half hour from now might be seventy-two. these clouds move around a lot. what happened to your hand? you got to be more careful. hands is important. let me show you something. when i was a kid, now i don't know if you can still see it, but i gashed my fingers in a lawnmower. diner up a piece. not much, but us simple folk like it. just a car. hey, your . what the hell happened to you? don't look like nothing. another accident? you got to be more careful. bottom hose was shot too. rotted clear through. had to put a new one in. runs like a dream now. well . you got your parts, you got your labour . let's call it a hundred-fifty bucks. hundred-fifty. a goddamn radiator hose in a sixty-four-and-a-half mustang. you know how long it took me to find that hose? actually, it's been about three hours. you're the one thinks that car's so damn fancy. what you expect but fancy damn prices? "that's not just a ford, that's a sixty-four-and-a-half mustang." i don't know, but "it's the reason i'm living here and you're just passing through." now you owe me a hundred-fifty dollars. then you ain't gonna have the car. then you're only a hundred-forty-five in the hole. you can keep that dollar. now why don't you just take your american express gold card, and call that guy with the big schnooz on tv and have him send you the money lickity split. now that's too bad. i sure hope you know how to wash dishes or shovel shit 'cause you're gonna have to work this one off. got no day, got no date. probably ain't worth a duck's fart . this one here cost me $3.75 and it's got every doodad you can imagine. no sir i'll stick with this . you ain't got no credit card but you got a lawyer. sweet talk me all you want. didn't you read the sign? it says. i want my hundred and forty-five dollars. hey there. i was beginnin' to think you wasn't comin' back. you don't look so good. one of those days you feel like you been runnin' in circles and you ain't no closer to where you tryin' to get than when you started? hell, i've had days i would gladly trade with a whippin' dog. ain't much you can do when you feel like that 'cept tough it out. you think bad, and bad is what you get. no charge. two-hundred. it's going to cost you two-hundred dollars. yep. for the hose. but while you was gone i replaced a gasket. that's going to run you another fifty. yeah, but it was shot. well, now, you just know all there is about bein' a mechanic, don't you? didn't you read the sign. the goddamn sign on the wall. i can't do unauthorized work? what am i suppose to do? just let you ride out of here with a bad gasket. then you get in an accident and get killed. or worse. who they gonna blame then? they gonna blame me, and there goes my reputation. is that an insult? are you insulting me. listen to me you sorry sonufabitch. you owe me money, and this car ain't going nowheres until i get it. and if you take another five hours i'll find another fifty dollars worth of work to do on it. is that clear? now get out of here 'fore i call the sheriff, who knows me. you want to play, mister? i'll play with you. you want to smash something? so do what's the matter? the fight gone out of you? i'm just gonna smash a headlight. maybe two. mister, you already pissed me off but good. there you go, sweet talking me again. darrell. well, that key's not gonna work. i had to pop the lock. you didn't leave me the trunk key. when i work on a car, i work on a car. you can't help yourself, can you mister? you're out of control. what you want? we're closed. come back when the sun comes up. what the hell . oh, it's you. might've figgered. listen i got a waitress coming over. what do you want? you got the money? two-hundred dollars in hundred-dollar bills. and this morning you was broke. i don't want no dirty money. i run an honest business. no.