what kind? no beck's. a-1, coors. no, we ain't got no heineken. we got miller. no. just plain ol' miller. now you can fuckin' take it or you can fuckin' leave it. i'll be right back with that beer. toby, you go finish your soda and leave the man alone. toby, you stop it now! can't you see he's got a hurt hand? my lord, that little baby of yours virgil, has gotten cuter'n a bunny's nose. you know how that toby is. thinks every man he sees is after his jenny. poor thing. is she all right? i can't open off-sale for you, sugar. let me get your change. you be careful now, virgil. virgil! now look at what you done! are you all right? i could put some butter on it, hon'. it'd serve you right, you asshole. put it under some cold water. joe, run get a mop and clean this fuckin' mess up. shasta! now why'd you go and scare the nice man like that? sorry about that, mister. let's see, you want $3.25. you try to have a nice day now, would you?