i'm just going to my car? my mother told me never to accept offers from strangers. do you have to call me that? maybe i don't want you to. you're pretty full of yourself, aren't you? it's grace. you sure you can manage? do you want me to carry your pack for you? what happened to your hand? you should be more careful. it's very nice of you to help me. that package is kind of heavy, and it's so hot. oh, this isn't my car. it's down a ways. i should have parked closer. i just didn't think it would be so heavy. i could drive up. it's just new drapes and curtain rods. if i had known it was going to be so heavy i would have had them delivered up to the house. i just got tired of looking at the old drapes. my mother made them. had them long as i can remember. you ever seen something and just knew you had to have it? 'course they cost a little more than i should really be spending. but, damn it, i don't hardly ever do anything nice for myself. i deserve nice things. this is it. thank you, bobby. you're not from around here, are you? you don't have that dead look in your eyes like the only thing you live for is to get through the day. drove into superior? what for? you're lucky you didn't break down in the desert. day like today, you'd be dead in no time. when you leaving? and here i've made you all hot and sweaty. morning sheriff. got my drapes. well, he offered, and i just couldn't refuse. his car overheated. anybody hurt? well, i guess i could use some help getting this box into the house. not far. you could shower, get something cool to drink. where you coming from? you've been around. where you headed? so, what is it you do, mister? i never played tennis. you just travel around bobby-- no direction, no steady work. you must like taking chances. what happens when you lose? sometimes i feel the exact same way. thought you might like a refill on your lemonade. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to. did you like it; me watching you? good, 'cause i liked what i saw. thank you. no. not really. i guess it must. a little of this, a little of that. mostly i tell fortunes. from my father. he was the tribe's shaman. those are white words, not ours. come here. there's something in your past; something you want to keep hidden. there's a pain. something . someone you can't forget. and there is something you want very badly. it seems very far away to you, but you are determined, and you will do what you must to get it. it tells me what every face tells me. everybody has a past, they have a pain, and they have something they want. what is it you want? really? i want to hang drapes. hold me. tighter. i won't break. you know girls are a lot tougher than men think. there. all done. lift me down. lift me down. you can let go of me now. i'm safe. how do they look? beautiful? i like them. i was sick of looking at this room. i think they add a little life. no more drapes to hang. now what should we do? and what would that be? really? and what game did you want to play? you carry my box for me, and i fall into bed with you? maybe i like to find out about a man first. maybe i like to know what he's made of. you never did answer my question. that's not an answer. what is it you want? maybe i just want to hear you say it. how do you know he's still not here? they hear you comin'. they won't bother you. just don't sneak up on 'em. yeah, but i like the sun. i grew up on a reservation. the sun, the desert; they like a religion to us. jake's the same way. he loves the desert. i guess we're alike that way. that's about the only way. no. depends on what you call love. i grew up on a reservation. a patch of desert in the middle of nowhere. that's where they stick indians, bobby. that's where they leave us to die. my brother killed himself when he was 19 cause he couldn't take it anymore. there's no hope there. jake was my ticket out. mom and me. i let him think he was courtin' me, but i reeled him in like a fish on a line. i wanted him. i wanted what he could give me, and i would've done anything to get him. is that love? yeah, i guess you're right. i'm still here, aren't i? see this? all this nothing? it doesn't get to jake like it gets to me. he says he don't mind being nothing but a big fish in a small pond. more like a little fish in a dried up watering hole. i don't know how. it's not that easy. maybe you can take chances; maybe you can wander around like some stray wherever you please. i can't. i don't want to be alone. i need to know i'm going to be taken care of. is that so bad? it's not like i wouldn't try to make him happy. for awhile, anyway. i mean, i would . do things for him. i guess i'm no good that way. i guess i tried to sucker you along like that. do you hate me for it? i wouldn't blame you if you did. but maybe it's like you said: you just got to do whatever it takes to get out. i wish i was a bird. i know it's stupid. every child says that. when i was growing up some of the old ones on the reservation believed people could actually change into animals. i wish i could. if i was a bird i would fly to florida; to disney world. i always wanted to go there. i'd fly to new york. maybe. i guess new york isn't the best place to be a bird. i'd fly to st. louis, then new orleans, all over texas. then i'd fly to california. i guess by then i'd have seen it all and i could die. they say you don't feel anything. the shock kills you before you hit the ground. i don't know how they would know that. but i heard it's just like flying; straight down into the ground. i guess if it doesn't hurt it's a beautiful thing. hate's a funny thing. right now i bet you don't know if you want to kill me, or fuck me. no. stop! i can't! nothing. get out of town, bobby, as quick as you can. you'd never understand. it's just such a mess. with jake i mean. he was a shaman. in the mine. we had nothin' after he died. jake took us in, gave us a little money. he used to call me his "little halfbreed". he kept mom on the side y'know, cause he was married someplace else. he had kids in phoenix i think, no one knew him around here. but the thing was. you see. . he was raping me the whole time. for years. he loved to do things to me. believe it or not, he used to say he was in love with my ass. y'ever been in love with a woman's ass? you're sick too. he loved to do things to me. control me. my mom. it tore her up cause she couldn't do nothing about it. she become alcoholic. and the funny thing is-- i liked it. i liked being controlled by jake. the truth was as far out and crazy as he got, i wanted more. i wanted to go all the way. women say they don't want to be taken like, really taken -- that's bullshit -- they do. the first time he finished with me, he said i was a woman now. i was 14. then he started crying like a baby. wanted me to hold him. it's a strange feeling to hate someone so much for so many years, but still want to hold him, comfort him. they found my mom right down there at the bottom of apache leap. she had cactus needles stuck all over her body and virgil. sheriff potter said she was drunk and went insane. but i'll never believe she ran off that cliff by accident. she was born on this earth and she loved it. she was like me. she just wanted to fly away. after he got his divorce, he forced me to marry him. but when i saw her body, i swore to her on my soul that some day i'd get jake for what he did to her. yeah. what do you want. life, right? have you ever been to california? is it pretty? please. i won't hang on you. as soon as we get there you can dump me. i don't care. i just want to get out of here. darrell? you know he and jake are. jake never gives me more'n twenty bucks at a time, like a bird in a cage, he don't want me goin' anywhere. there's money. a lot. jake hides it. in a safe. in the floor. in the bedroom. he counts it. he loves to sit there and count it. at night. he just sits there and laughs and talks to himself and counts it. i heard him. my mom told me he had a hunnert thousand dollars down there. maybe more. oh yeah. there's nothing else with jake. he don't trust banks. he keeps the money in the floor right under the bed. he loves it so much, he wouldn't think of spending any of it on me. i never seen it but i know he's got more than a hunnert thousand at least. it takes a key. he keeps it on himself all the time. i mean all the time. it scratches up against me when we do it. kill him. it's not like he's a young man, bobby. he's had time to live. it'd be quick. i mean, he wouldn't even have to feel it. i mean, sometime in the middle of the night, when it's quiet. when he's asleep, you could just come up behind him when he's pounding on me and. but it's in you, bobby. i see it. i see death. it's in your heart. let it out for me. let it out. do it for me, bobby, you'll never regret it. i promise you. i'll do anything for you. anything. you need the money, bobby. it's a lot more than $100,000. a lot more. how are you going to get out of here? you need the money. whatever it takes, bobby, remember? where you going? i'll give you the ride. come back! bobby? it's three miles. i don't think we have anything to talk about. there is no us, remember? stop it. because i know you're full of shit. i thought you couldn't get your car. is that what changed your mind? the money? are you sure?. about me, i mean? you said you couldn't kill anybody. after dark. i'll leave the back door unlocked. wrong number. i put up new drapes, jake. you never said anything. about the drapes. you haven't even looked at them once. i picked them out for you, jake. i thought you would like the colors. nothing, jake. absolutely nothing. yes, yes, hit me. beat me, please. oh no! oh please forgive me, papa! no! no! please! what's the matter? yeah, i heard a key slapping against my ass. jake, don't go out there. call the sheriff. jake! like you helped her, jake? the money's right here! get the key! didn't i tell you? we done it, bobby. oh my god! fuck me baby! let him watch. i want him to know what he's missing. bobby? what the hell's the matter with you? i got the money all packed. i put the jeep and his caddy in the garage. people'll think maybe me and jake went away. buy us some time. i know a back road we can take. i'm not coming back. funny thing; the jeep wouldn't start. i had to push it. it should be just up ahead. hold on . there! there it is! oh, god! i can't believe it. i'm out. i'm finally out! you don't know what it feels like to be free of that place. you spent a day in superior. i wasted my entire life there. i feel like someone just took a million pounds off my shoulders. can't we just dump him fast someplace? then will you take me on your friends' boat with you? but i thought -- anywhere? hawaii. i've read all about it. i've dreamed of going there and just lying on the beach while the water licked up against my feet. oh, god. i'd kill to go there. what are you talking about? i love you bobby. oh, my god! don't stop! keep going! ok. but he never made me cum! really virgil, i was only doing what i had to do so we could be free. just like we talked about. it meant nothing. no baby, you got it wrong. it's not like that it. look, virgil, i got the money here. all talk, that's all you did was talk, and all i did was sit around getting older waiting for you to free me! you never did nothin' virgil, you're weak! he did! you sound just like jake. i did see into the future, virgil, but you weren't in it. go back to your family. they love you. stop! stop it! goddamnit virgil, stop! don't! no. you! you! help me get him off the road. into the car! we'll ditch his car. get the fuck up! get real bobby. he was gonna kill you and me. the only deal he had in mind was killing you for jake's murder and blackmailing me into sucking his dick for the rest of my life. no thanks. he was a scumbag!. he wanted me, bobby. these guys don't let go! even when they're dead. you don't know what it was like, bobby. those two, they were the same. so, aren't you going to ask me? don't you want to know? i bet it's burning a hole in your brain just now? don't you really want to know? was jake my daddy? was i fucking my own daddy? don't you want to know that? yes! i was! i was fucking daddy! and i married him!. i married him. okay? i don't know why! all i wanted was to be a kid. he took that from me. they all did. they treated me like meat. a piece of meat. fuck me. blow me. bend over. stick their fingers up my ass. fuck them! fuck the whole town! they deserved to die! it's easy to judge someone else when you don't know nothing about it. i'm apache, bobby. you don't eat what i eat. you don't see what i see. don't judge me. see ya, virgil. god bless. you think now that jake's dead, there's all that money there and i don't need you anymore, and i might just sneak up behind you sometime and. pop! don't you think i would've done it if i wanted to? what can i do to make you relax, baby? why don't we just finish what we started. you don't believe in anything do you, bobby? you hit me, bobby? you hit a woman, you motherfucker! didn't your momma ever teach you anything? well? don't leave me. i want to say with you, bobby. i was just baiting him! bobby, i had to tell him that to get his guard down. just like you told jake you was going to kill me! i don't want to go to mexico, bobby! please, i really want to be with you. don't blow this. don't you think i care about you? you don't know your own mind. it blocks your heart. my mother died in this canyon. hope is a four-letter word. shit! bobby? are you all right? can you make it back up? bobby, the trunk. it's locked. throw the keys up to me. i'll get the rope. okay. i'm coming. calm down! why's that? and i love you too. jake.