grace! who the hell is this!? i'm her husband. now who the hell are you, and it better be good, or god help me i'll break you in half. didn't much look like you were hanging drapes. a lot that means. oh yeah, and i suppose you didn't have anything to do with it grace, he just wandered up here by hisself. i got a mind to put you over my knee and paddle your ass raw! where you going! you can't just walk in here and walk out, you sonufabitch! i'm gonna tear you a new asshole! it ain't broke. i'll give you a lift, son. too hot to be walking. people die out here, y'know. aw, you're not still upset about that love tap, are you? if i meant you real trouble, i'd have given it to you by now. get in, lad. come on. get in. after you huffed off, grace lied so bad, i got so pissed off, i pulled down her pants to paddle her ass raw and finger-fucked it instead. sorry i lost my cool like that. it's a funny thing, women. say, what happened to your hand? you've got to be-- i guess we've never been introduced proper. jake mckenna. i'm a solid man. "bobby cooper." what brings you to superior, coop? oh? darrell taking good care of you? live there? you a sailor man? that'd be the life. drive across the country, step on a boat and just sail away. a man could pretty well disappear like that. just sail away until all he was was a memory. i guess a little place like this would just be a dot on a map to you after awhile. it wouldn't have made a difference to you, now would it? not a wit. do you know why? because you're a man without scruples. ah, i can smell it on you. that's the sweat of a man who hasn't an honest bone in his body. don't be offended, lad. a man who's got no ethics is a free man. i envy that. beside, how can i blame you? that grace sure has a mind of her own, and a body to match, don't she? eh? she does at that. i knew when i married her she was a free spirit. a woman with her looks and a man my age; what was i to expect? but you see a woman like that in a town like this and you don't think, you do. so, i married her. what are you to do, eh? women. "you can't shoot 'em!" i like that. i bet she led you on good, didn't she? taking you up to the house to hang drapes. oh that's a good one. bet she had you hard as a rock wiggling her ass in your face. i bet you just wanted to pull down her pants and hog her out. then me busting in like some wild bear. ha! bet you had a fire going under you. mad like a dog in heat, i bet you were. i can tell you got a temper on you. bet you just wanted to snap her neck right then, didn't you? bet you just wanted to kill her. would you? would you kill her? because i'm sick and tired of her little games. because you could do it and drift away on your boat and no one would ever see you again. because i've got a fifty-thousand dollar life insurance policy on her, and i would be more than happy to give the man who does her in a good chunk of it. how do you know if you've never tried? that's right. nothing but a joke. that's all. enjoy your stay, lad. what can i do for you, lad? talk? about what? sweet grace? what about her? i do. i did? boy i think this heat's getting to you the way you're rambling on. you're talking like a madman. oh, that was just loose talk. husband gettin' pissed off. i don't want anybody dead. a man doesn't always mean the things he says. what makes you say that? and what does that make you? well, i guess i have what you call a love-hate relationship with grace. no, i hate loving her. i hate the kind of person she is. i hate having to tolerate the little "games" she plays. like fucking half of the town behind my back and laughing at me. the bitch. she loved to play. she wants me to hit her and when i hit her she likes it. she tortures me. but she's family. she's my little girl. my baby. i couldn't stand to watch her eyes roll back in her head as she sucks her last breath, or to see her pretty pink brains spill from her skull. no. not me. but you? you got the killing in you, boy. how much you want? maybe . ten-thousand. and that's a maybe. that's a bit much. you drive a hard bargain, but i had a feeling you were my boy when i met you. don't say that. i had a marriage of convenience with grace, and look where that's lead. well, looks like we got ourselves a contract. if you can't trust the man you've hired to kill your wife ? the thing is it's got to look like an accident; that's the thing. if it doesn't, then it's no good. i won't get a dime, and it's my neck that'll be on the chopping block while you're living it up somewhere. how the hell should i know? i've never had a wife killed before. jesus christ! you want this job, you don't know how to do this? i guess i should have hired a professional. be quiet, boy. i got to figure this thing. i'm thinking. it can't be done at the house. it should be. oh yeah sure. why don't i buy you a plane ticket right out of here while i'm at it. i know you. this is what you do: go to the house to see her. i don't know. tell her you had to see her. tell her you don't care if she's married or not, you had to be with her. sweet talk the woman. a young buck like you must be good at that. then . maybe shift the conversation. get her thinking about that jeep of hers. she loves that thing. maybe the only thing she does love. she'll want to take you for a ride. she'll take you out somewhere in the desert. she loves it out there; ridin' through the red rock and the mesas. so do i. i guess we got that in common. she'll ride you out someplace quiet. someplace deserted. there won't be anyone for miles around. just the two of you and some prairie dogs. that's all. you can sweet talk her a little if you like. makes no difference to me. just put her at ease, make her feel relaxed -- then do it. you've got the killing in you, boy. next time you'll do just fine. everything all right, virgil? i was just up at darrell's. how's the wife? that little eskimo baby walkin' yet? you haven't seen grace around, have you? i'm looking for her. who was that on the phone? you spent a long time talking for a wrong number. but then you make friends so easily. don't you, grace? i know. i was here when your apprentice was helping you. remember? they look nice. they look nice. what the hell you looking at, girl? what the hell you doin', grace? are you coming to bed, or aren't you? ya little bitch, you like it don't you! you like it this way -- rough and hard. gotta go fuck around on me, like your mama, but you always gotta come home to daddy, don't you, cause you know daddy's the best. you been a bad girl, grace. you took my heart from your mama, didn't ya? you betrayed her! like you did me. there ain't no forgivin' ya, girl! you broke her heart! you broke your mama's heart. you stole me! that's right. fuck it away. but it ain't ever goin' away, cause your mama -- she's like a hungry ghost baby, she won't go away, she won't leave ya alone. oh baby, i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to hurt you so bad. it just. got away. forgive me, baby, forgive me! you didn't hear something? there's someone in the house. relax baby. stay here. shhhh! just like your mama, always scared of things. well, well. as i live and breathe. i didn't expect to be seeing the like of you again. thought you'd be long on your way by now. i like darrell. he may be an idiot, but he's my half brother. we own harlin's together, yeah, that little redneck manages to get paid no matter how things work out. i guess this is what they call "ironee"? hunh? no, but it don't matter anyway when you're lying there with your brains all over my carpet and i'm telling sheriff potter about this drifter, didn't have enough money to fix his car. and darrell happened to find his gun, and through maybe this drifter heard old jake got some money stashed away, and figgered he might try to break in and steal it! and he thought he'd clock old jake mckenna and turn his brains into wall paper. and then maybe borrow $200 or $20,000, or $200,000. there's another reason? it better be good. you came to take my wife from me? shhh! liar. that's a thick change of heart from this afternoon. you have a lot of talk in you, whole lot of talk. she's in the bedroom. a strangling'll do just fine. go to work. hold on a second! come here! how the hell did you know where the bedroom's at? don't jake me boy! it's a big house. you probably didn't even make it out to the desert this afternoon. or did you just ply the afternoon away between my sheets putting your lips all over her, you little horndog. you're right! i don't give a damn about her. but killing her's one thing. fucking her behind my back, that's another! now you've tasted both of us! you'd tell me anything to save your pathetic life. two-hundred dollars? sweet christ, i'd be doing the world a favor, ridding it of the likes of you. get your miserable ass off the floor. you're positively pathetic. go on, go kill grace. i'm not letting you walk for nothing. two hundred dollars. do it, boy. kill her. grace!! well. looks like you got him, grace. that's good. that's real good. he must of slipped past me, but you got him. looks like that drifter from this morning. got to be careful who you make friends with, sweetheart. why don't you put that down? it's all over now. put it down. go on, girl. put it down. aww, that's my grace: not about to let someone get the best of her. that's what i love about you. as dangerous as you are unpredictable. grace? help me, grace, help.