sergei, what are you, a neanderthal? how many times do i have to tell you? you answer a phone "hello," not "da." that's a shame, bobby. a real shame. "arkady" and let me guess. this robber -- he gets your money. the old lady? which you don't have. now, let me get this straight. two years you give me problems with your fuckin' payoffs. now you owe me thirteen-thousand dollars, you call me - collect - then ask me to wire you one-hundred-fifty dollars just so you can get your car fixed. a hundred and . now you listen to me you deadbeat little punk: i don't care if you got hit by a truck and run over by a steamroller. you owe me thirteen-thousand dollars and i want it. i don't care how you get it, or where from, but i want it on my desk tomorrow, or i'll show you what real bad luck is. do you understand me you little fuck? what'd you say to me! bobby, you owed me that 'bread' 4 weeks ago. now you tell me you want another week. that's 5 weeks, bobby. that's also 5 fingers, cause you and i know it's a finger a week bobby. so you got balls. good--now you come here tomorrow and you talk to me real nice and maybe i don't take the other 3 fingers you owe me, you see? tomorrow -- and bobby, don't make me come look for you, okay. have nice day. the nerva that piece of shit! and look at you, you neanderthal -- don't you fuckin' break pencils, you goombah! get your ass down to this superior, arizona. bring me this bobby cooper. i don't think he got the lesson. this is your last chance, sergei.