morning grace. well it's about time. looks like you found yourself a helper too. oh? son. little excitement out at the reservation this morning. wayne and dale elkhart were up drinking all night and then wayne starts chasing dale around the desert with his shotgun. bia handled it. i went by for backup. hell, no. that wayne can't shoot when he's sober, much less drunk. he's lucky he didn't kill his own danged self. well, anyhow, you stay cool. nice meeting you, son. what was that all about? more like jenny is after every man she sees. already started out bad. couple of bikers from out of town tried to knock over jamilla's grocery store this morning. it was a real shootout. the old witch killed 'em both. sure, when the sons of bitches tried to steal her wedding ring. that's when she started shooting. can't blame her. the ring was all carlos left her when he died. store's a mess. flo, i'm just gonna help myself to a refill on the coffee. son of a bitch! i think i burned my gun hand! toby! boy, i'm not trying to hear nothing from you except that you're heading home. now run along. where ya goin'? get in. seen you popping up a little bit of everywhere today. you're not planning on staying are you? that's a nasty cut you got there. there was a young fellow over at jamilla's today when it got hit. way she tells it he got whacked around good by one of the robbers. oh just fine. no. but if i do, i'll tell her you're looking for her, jake. peculiar, how things happen. a man's car breaks down. there's a hold up. people die and all that money -- and now old jake out looking for his young wife. and then you show up. time's running out, son. i'll be seeing you in the morning. where's the fire sweetheart? don't know how they work things in nevada, but we got speed limits in this state. whoa, what kind of accent you got there? you one of them russians? what? you trying to bribe me, mister? just cause you russians ain't commies anymore, don't think money can buy everything. what's that? "concealed" is a definite no no in this town, ivan. you know anything about jamilla's grocery store? get out of the car, spread them. you can jawbone all you want or you have the right to shut the fuck up! you commie motherfucker. either way you're goin' to the can. you had to fuck him, didn't you! you fuck this guy -- get him to do your dirty work and you think you can take the money and dump me? this road don't go to globe, grace -- where were you going to meet me? this is some girl you and me got here bobby, yessir, an excellent cocksuck too, wouldn't you say? . course you had a lotta practice haven't you darling, going way back to your crazy mama! i don't want the fuckin' money! i'm not gonna give up everything i got for a lousy 50,000 dollars. it's you. you grace or nothing. the whole thing. i want you to be my wife. . what do you way grace? shut up, boy! you don't know shit round here! get back. did she tell you that story about the bird flying away? but i bet the story she didn't tell you was the best story of all. how old crazy jake was really her papa. and she liked fucking papa! and now she's killed the sonufabitch! just like she's gonna kill you!