no. no. no i'm seeing but i'm not believin'. stop the wedding. this can't be. hey! what are you doing with my girl? i axed you a question. you shut your mouth, girl, and get back over to our table. now, i'm not going to axe you again, mister. what were you doing with my girl? that's not the way it looked to me. looked to me like you was trying to make time with her. stay out of this, jenny. we got man's business to take care of. i ain't never taken no drugs, mister, and . you expect me to believe that? mister, i'm calling you out. 'cause i'm just like dynamite. and when i go off, somebody gets hurt. not before i settle with you, chickenshit! stand up. stand up, mister, or i'll beat you where you sit. don't you never mind, flo. this is gonna be over real quick. you're lucky, mister. don't think it's over. i called you out and i'm gonna see this through. you hear me? come on, girl. i got half a mind to make you walk home. mister! that's right, mister. you better be afraid. i told you it wasn't over, but you didn't listen. now i find you sneakin' around with my girl behind my back. oh, that tears it, mister. i'm gonna bust you up but good. i'm gonna bust you into a million pieces and then . and then bust those pieces up, and then . and then spread them all around. that's what i'm gonna do. you don't know what you're dealing with, mister. i'm crazy. i'm psycho crazy. you gonna pay for that, mister. hey, sheriff potter. that ain't true, sheriff. i was home for lunch. yes, sir. come on, jenny. i said come on! next time, mister. next time. get up, mister! don't ever let it be said toby tucker beat the living shit out of someone without giving them a fair chance. i'm doing what any man would do if he'd been offended. i'm stompin' your ass. my honor, that's what i'm fighting over. now get up off the ground, or do i have to whoop you where you lie? you stay away, jenny. i aim to mess him up, and that ain't a thing for a woman to see. now, what's this? mexico? you going to mexico? this means something to you? jenny means something to me.