you okay, virginia?
i'll put something on the t.v. maybe we'll find some almost naked guys to inspire you.
not a lot.
what does that mean?
i don't want to drag this out too long for jeremy.
it stopped being our room a long time ago. you should go up and get some rest.
not often, but it is possible. most people get scared when they see the shadow of their limits. they don't know how long the shadow really is. they don't know how far away the real limits are standing.  they stop out of fear.
this is kind of strange isn't it?
we're not even acting like ourselves.
like that. your mouth's dirty. you tapped your napkin to your lips. you only do that when you're with someone you don't know.
you use your sleeve.
hi. this is claire. her son is in jeremy's class. claire and i worked on the school food drive together.
this is my husband.
elijah right?
we're going to prevent any substantial atrophy of your good leg with this. it works the quadriceps.
twelve years.
a car accident.
see my husband was a big football star in college and we were in an accident together. our car flipped on an icy road. we were both injured. he couldn't play football anymore. if that hadn't happened, we wouldn't have been together.
football wasn't the kind of life i wanted.  for ten years i'd be by the phone waiting for a call telling me he broke his neck in a practice game. and if it wasn't that call, it would be a call telling me he blew out his knee or suffered his third concussion. i've seen way too much of it in my job.  i can barely take it when my clients are in pain. i don't hate the game. i admire the amount of skill it involved and, like everyone else, i was in awe of how he could play it, but i couldn't give him my heart and then have something happen to him. and it always does with that game. it's not a thing many people would understand.
any way, fate stepped in and took football out of the equation.
sort of.
who said my husband's name is david?
and what was that explanation?
he's just laying in bed. he's pretty upset. he won't talk.
it's weird to hear you tell me about jeremy. a good weird.
oh. elijah price came to visit me at the center today.
he didn't do anything. he just told me his theory.  it's sad when patients get like that. they loose reality.
-sometimes when people are sick or hurt for a long time, like elijah, they're mind gets hurt too.
-they start to think things that aren't true. he hold me what he thought about your father. it isn't true.
-jeremy, your father was injured in college - you know that. you know all about that.
-don't do it. he'll die jeremy.
the sitter's here.
we can do this another time if you want? i'm fine with anything.
is that what that smell is?
i didn't know that. mine's still brown.
soft and wet, by the artist formerly known as prince.
we're supposed to be honest.
my turn. when was the first time the thought popped into your head that we might not make it?
it's a second date. there aren't any rules.
think carefully?
it's finished. i won.
maybe it wasn't a specific moment, maybe it-
do you knowingly keep jeremy and me at a distance?
it's like you resent us david. resent the life you have.
you know even if it meant we couldn't be together, i would never have wished that injury on you? what you could so physically was a gift. i would never have wished it to go away.
you know that right?
we're not moving.
look let's be honest here. we're just at the beginning. i don't expect you or i to change the course of where our lives were headed because of two dates. if you do go to new york, we can still develop this. we'll just be forced to take it slow. and in the end, that's definitely better. this is our second time around david. i don't expect us to get carried away. i guess congratulations is the right thing to say.