my pleasure. "misunderstanding?!" "down here" it's called a war. it started in nineteen thirty. before you were born. he said he considers it an honor to be able to photograph our war. i can tell. i know. i'm much in demand around here. will you excuse me? if you have any questions, just ask. rafael? comandante rafael. he is either a marxist dupe of russia and cuba. . or the most popular leader of a most popular democratic revolution. take your pick. you'd never find him. you would lose. you must excuse me. mr. price. the world is not divided into east and west anymore. it is divided into north and south. by the time you people figure that out -- it will be too late. congratulations on your cover. you are looking for rafael? mr. price doesn't do anything before announcing it first in the bar. it's a good story. you'll be more famous. venga, companeros. venga por favor! alli! this is commandante cinco. today we took matagalpa. leon is about to fall, and masaya. and next week we could be in managua but it is still possible to lose. in the last days of our final offensive the people of nicaragua must know that rafael is alive and well. we need a photograph. come with us. why is he laughing?