spy is such an odd word, mr. price. nobody is a. 'spy'. anymore. you don't have to apologize. you're journalists. a businessman? that sounds good. okay, i'm a businessman. no agua. if she dove in, i assure you she wouldn't notice. sweetheart, the guerrillas knocked out the pumping station on the road to masaya, and we must ration water for the time being. next week maybe things will be better. maybe you should. you were arrested because the guardia are clowns who specialize in excess. you were released because i told them to release you. but they are the normal duties of a. spy, eh? you win, i'm a spy. there, are you happy? i feel better. now we can relax. you can turn off your little thing. oh, i trust you won't say anything to hurt me. in some ways i'm a terrible spy. i used to be much better at it, but now it seems everyone knows who i am. i have too many girlfriends. i like to be photographed. i talk too much. i always talk too much. but my girlfriends like that. no matter. you know who she is? that's miss panama. do you know who that is? she's in love with me. i've got to get some water in the pool. and once a week i have lunch with president somoza to discuss security measures against the sandinista insurgents, but all he wants to talk about is miss panama. he's worried about her. and he assigned me to find out who the man is. we all know the revolutionaries are going to win, don't we? it was lots of people's idea. have you been to leon? no, no, it's not "nasty" yet. another week maybe. you would love leon. a nice cathedral and beautiful light. et un peu de bang-bang. of course, of course. only i have heard that comandante rafael has recently had his unit in the area. well. it's a rumor, what do i know? she's lonely! it's my job. you think i talk too much? russell, excuse me. but i've just been put in a rather embarrassing position. mrs. somoza would like her picture taken with miss panama. in color? russell, please. i have my hands full. everybody smile. what do you need? i don't know. what do i know, eh? tacho needs a victory very badly. he needs to prove to jimmy carter that he is still winning. he thinks rafael's death is the proof he needs. no, no. the arms shipment has been delayed in new orleans because jimmy is getting nervous. i work for everybody. if there is a transition of power, i facilitate a relationship with the new people. if there is not, i facilitate the status quo. either way, i facilitate. i send messages to jimmy and i tell him that the revolution is a flood that cannot be stopped but it can be controlled. nobody listens. i can't even get a little water in my pool. they say he's very handsome. it would make a wonderful picture, eh? they are my friends. well, here we are, eh? the boys are confused -- they think i had their family killed. "murder" is a word for criminals. i have a job to protect the stability of a continent. please. yes. poets too, i imagine. is your recorder on? good. i have a speech to make. i like you people, but you are sentimental shits. you fall in love with the poets, the poets fall in love with the marxists, the marxists fall in love with themselves. the country is destroyed with rhetoric, and in the end we are stuck with tyrants. un minuto, por favor. they are journalists. somoza? he is a tyrant too, of course. a butcher. but finally that is not the point, you see. if we wish to survive -- we have a choice of tyrants, and for all the right reasons, your poets choose the wrong side. yes. your picture of rafael was brilliant. but i am alive, and better looking. a good looking frenchman with a sympathetic face is murdered in cold blood while fighting for the survival of europe and america. you will have another magazine cover! muy complicado, no? in fifty years we will know who's right. are you going to take the picture as the bullet enters the skull or as it comes out? this wall's a nice color, eh? i can move into the sunlight. it's just a story! they say that if somebody's holding a gun on you, you should never stop talking. that's the theory -- who knows?. maybe it's a good thing that i talk too much.