g'damn, price, you tuna sucking piece of raw meat -- whatchyou goin' to zambeze for? smithereens?! be a great fuckin' picture, eh? ya think so? trade ya some greenies for a joint. i gotta have a joint. ahh. dope-wise, this place sucks. lotta fuckin' coons around here, eh? i am. this is the government. fuck they are. this is a government convoy to calunda. you're shitting me. these guys be pissed if they knew, eh? this is the dumbest motherfucker i ever signed up for. don't pay shit either. nicaragua. that's the spot. cheap shrimp, lotta rays -- real thin in the spook department too, dig? well hell. i wonder where the fuckin' guvmint is? well, i guess we know where the guvmint is. convenient, ain't it? my brother just got married. great shit, eh? u.s. gummint offers this house to any cuban pilot flying migs for the rebels who chooses to defect to america with a russian jet. we know they ain't gonna run off with no planes -- but the rebs don't -- they're scared. they start thinking about that swimming pool. damn near smell that chlorine. starts workin' on 'em, and pretty soon they don't let the cubies near a mig. use their own spook pilots and destroy their own air force in a week. guaran-fuckin- teed. smartest guys in the world. hey, you gotta scoop here, eh? you'll be famous. i gotta run. have a good one. what the fuck are you doing here? awright, awright -- you're lookin' good. how ya like nicaragua? shitload o' greasers though, eh? no pictures, eh? might look bad. i get paid the same way you do. what the fuck you doin' in sebaco -- this place's about to blow. ain't it? who's pedro? there's a motherfucking war goin' on, pal. lotta sad stories. i don't suck no dick, man. i'd prefer not splattering your brains in a dump like this -- i got priorities. guy wants to be a hero, pops, get him outta here before he's a number. be a shitty little town to buy it in. who are you? guy's got a sense of humor, old man. got any dope? tough place to find decent dope? them? c'mere. you too. if your mug shows up in this box. and ya try to make it through sebaco. i owe yer ass. what's this, an interview? i ain't that dumb. off the record. some pachuco gives 'em to me. ain't none of my business, but i heard he gets 'em from a frog. nice, eh? not yet. whatya' expect? we're the ones gettin' our butts kicked. hey, pricey. it's all over, eh? we made it. i like the singing. free country. now it's free, anyway. nicalibre! how 'bout a quickie? no? things are heating up in thailand. thought i'd check it out. you ain't gonna turn me in, are ya? am i gonna see ya in thailand? we could be friends!