'morning, jimmy, think you could squeeze me in? bang-bang. you're a thief, jimmy. i don't do skies. hi, guys. thought i'd get some great shots of your head gettin' blown to smithereens. be a prize winner. i'm on the wagon, man, sorry. i thought you were fighting for the government? these are the rebels. this is the abou-deian revolutionary front. hold it! hold it! you can walk to work from here. i don't know your brother. what's this? c.i.a.? maybe. i love africa. alex, get up here! to the man who gave me my first job, and fired me from my first job. and gave me my second job. just a few words, alex. oh. i didn't know you were here. well. yeah. you looked great. why aren't you partying? i printed that up for alex. jesus, i'm sorry. who left who this time? that's pretty clean. to cover you or the war? i don't want to wait for you again. we've been circling each other since the montreal olympics. thanks. wait here. you have something to do with this? nifty. i'm russell price. looks like you guys have a lot of bang-bang down here, eh? little misunderstanding between the poets and the government? you're a helluva translator. who is rafael? i don't really give a damn. but the guy's got a great face. how would he like to be photographed? wanta lay odds? just one more thing -- is rafael owned by the c.i.a. or the k.g.b.? i'll figure out the rest. so far this war's got it all over africa. you still hanging in there with claire? younger men. just now. what'd ya get? who's tacho? i don't know who the players are yet. let me look. well. got africa all wrapped up and pouched to my editor. we gotta get alone somewhere to talk. alex is one of the world's leading experts on military strategy. well, hell, i just got off the boat. gimme the scoop on nicaragua. no, no, no. i don't mean the stuff about the peasants -- i mean the real stuff. no, c'mon! pecker? jesus. is there anybody here we don't know? what's wrong with the everly brothers? cuanto? veinte. what is this? i'm a journalist! journalista, journalista! priest? what are you doing here? governments are always wrong, eh? un periodista. i don't take sides. i take pictures. no. mi amigo -- mala interpretacion, eh? periodista, comprende? famoso. time magazine. soy un periodista. that film is half way to new york by now. forget it. claire! i'm fine -- what're you doing here? these guys are goons. i don't know. taking pictures. the usual. jazy got me released. ahh. c.i.a. stories are all alike. i wanta find rafael. no. you? i figure you probably want to do a little research on the history of marcel jazy's business connections in the third world countries with c.i.a. influence. are you a spy or aren't you, eh? why was i arrested, and why did you get me released, and who are you? there's a rumor about this picture. some people say you're a genius -- that you invented this scheme. it's supposed to be nasty there. a lotta people think rafael's in the south. i want to find out. rafael is near leon? i dreamed about you. yeah. so'd you. is the tape on? i was on the deck of the u.s.s. pueblo catching some rays when the north koreans attacked. took a bullet right in the chest, but by luck i had an extra roll of high speed ektachrome in this pocket right here. over the heart. you heard about it?! i was lucky. yeah. f.8 at a sixtieth. so was i. you ever dream about me? how was i? me too. you thinking of scoring a toyota? c'mon. be careful. they're away. what the fuck are you doing here? it's beautiful. you bastard! i know who shot pedro. i knew somebody was in the tower. i don't know. then they would've killed him i guess. i didn't want to interfere. i think i made the wrong one. i didn't? i picked up a gun. jesus. is something happening to us? are you asleep? g'morning. you look beautiful. 'bout ten frames. wait'll you see the pictures -- you look great. after they're printed. i talk in my sleep? call the office. i don't want to go to work today. sniff this sucker, eh? hey -- i'll leave you guys alone, eh? you two wanta happy snap? okay, okay. i'll just. be over here. i'm a personal friend of tacho's. don't look, huh? no mire! ahh, i'm a chicken, don't worry. alex, listen to me. within a year you're gonna be one of the "ten most admired men in america." but it's great p.r. so what's the upside? what's the downside? how the hell could tacho find rafael. is tacho lying again? they did kill him, didn't they? one more, please! una mas, por favor? we help each other, right? could you move your girlfriend into the sun. is rafael alive or dead? just one more -- thank you. i thought you knew everything? carter don't need proof. he just sent twenty-five million in new arms to tacho. i'm sorry. almost got it here. the state department's gonna pull the plug on tacho?! pardon my french -- but whose fucking side are you on? great job. rough ain't it. thank you everybody, very nice. i don't think rafael is dead. i'm gonna find him. con permiso -- who controls what today? you can drop us off. wrong way! go one more block. we want out! periodista, periodista, periodista! yeah. if it's possible. rafael is dead. i can smell it. he's dead. i know it. you're crazy. yeah. commandante. soy un periodista. i don't do things. like this. or when you're in bed. not so simple. i'm not gonna take it. do what you want to do. i want to be here. with you. what do you want. i love you. don't think so much. what's he doing here? on what? fabulous. because of me? terrific. now. i'm a little slow here, alex. what exactly did you come back for? no way. we don't owe him anything! he wouldn't understand. i'll take alex to find rafael -- we'll go to sebaco on the road to matagalpa -- the guardia heavily control the area and they're scared right now -- they'll never let us through. we won't be able to get near rafael. alex will understand -- and we'll turn around and drive back without a story. tell me about lies! we may not be able to find him, y'know. everybody looks good in the tropics. alex. i love her. it's past the thinking stage. no! yes! alex -- we're friends! don't worry. i put this in your name. you get paid by the body or by the hour? you didn't have to nail pedro. why them? why them?! you're a cocksucker! fuck you. why them? she dead? some-motherfucker-took-my-fucking- pictures-i-don't-fucking-know-what- happened! fuck me! i developed it in my room. jesus christ, alex?! it was. algo no esta aqui. fotografias. negativos, negativos! oates said it was a frog. how many frenchmen you know around here? jazy ain't 'facilitating' shit. anything. let's get out of here. we've got to talk to alex. this is what i want to show you. it's not tacho. it's mussolini. tacho went to italy to commission a statue of himself, he found a warehouse full of il duces on horseback, got a great deal on one of 'em -- brought it back and switched heads. ya can't tell, can ya? dead! alex. i think i finally saw one too many bodies. somoza is a killer. i thought the war would end sooner. how many reasons do you want? it's great stuff, isn't it? we'd go down in a blaze of glory. it's a little dangerous looking for jazy at the moment. damn air conditioning. c'mere. alex. let's go back. i don't know. just a sec'. take a flag. you fucks! you fucks! gracias. what're you doing here?! the guardia did it -- i got pictures. hola. do you control this area? you murder people. no. nothing. he asked for directions. we gotta get outta sight -- half the fucking army's looking for me. aw, christ. i've wrecked everything else, at least let me take care of you here. don't get hurt. alex. yes, please. what're you doing here? we've got a plane to catch.