nonsense -- let them wait. we are a stunning couple, eh? my stomach is very flat -- i've been working out. i am on a salt free diet. this is my mother and father. they were very special to me. every sunday morning i drive out to the cemetery and put flowers on their grave. i think people should know that. my people love me. my stomach is flat. did i say that already? no matter. it is flat. i like this song. i love the press, i really do. some of my best friends are journalists. i am busy! get out of here at once or i'll put my foot up your ass! i'm sorry to have to conclude this most pleasant encounter, but something has happened. my friends. this gathering was not intended to be a press conference as much as a. "get-together". but i have just been handed a piece of news. rafael is dead. he has been killed in an ambush in the cordillera mountains of the jinotega district. please my friends -- no questions. a press release is being prepared. it is with grave concern that we announce that alexander grazier, senior american correspondent, has been murdered at the hands of terrorists. mr. kittle has prepared statements for you.