the blanket, for chrissake, cowboy, the blanket. get skinny, for god's sake! skinny! skinny! bring your gun. she's gonna live. she didn't steal nothin', she didn't touch his poke. all she done was. when she seen he had a teensy little pecker. she gave a giggle. that's all. she didn't know no better. you gonna hang 'em, little bill? a whippin'? that's all they get? after what they done? but what they done, they. you. you ain't even gonna. whip 'em? for what they done? skinny gets some ponies an' that's. ? like whores? just because them smelly assholes like to ride us like horses don't mean we got to let 'em brand us like we're horses. maybe we ain't nothin' but whores, but by god we ain't horses. what about you, faith? jesus, faith, what you been doin', givin' skinny somethin' special? with what kate got, silky got some, an' mine, an' little s. not yet maybe. a pony!. she ain't got no face left an' you're gonna give her a goddamn mangy pony. we ain't got it. we ain't got no money. we was. lyin'. nobody's gonna come. after what little bill done to the englishman. rain's coming. tonight? you ain't joshin'? must be randy as hell to come out in this shit. hurry. you know what to say to little bill? you got to look sharp for that old oak. you miss the oak an' you ain't gonna find it. the roof ain't much but. on account of they seen you was beatin' on their friend. you just kicked the shit out of a innocent man, you big asshole. no more advances on what you ain't done yet. one of us'll bring food in the morning. i guess you'll want some whiskey. what did you think, they come clear up from kansas to fuck us? what wife? he don't have no wife. i told you, he don't have no wife, not aboveground, anyhow. he had it coming! he had it