you ain't dead. you don't look nothin' like me, mister. they went out scouting when they saw your fever broke. on the bar t. looking for. them. three days. are you hungry? i brought your hat. you. left it down at greely's. little bill? he thinks you went north. are you really going to kill them? them other two, they been takin' advances on the payment. free ones. alice an' silky gave them. free ones. you want. a free one. i didn't mean. with me. alice and silky, they'll give you one. if you want. your wife? i admire that, you being true to your wife. i've seen a lot of. of men. who weren't. she back in kansas? i didn't think they'd really do it. that kid. he's just a. boy. and that other one, bill, being true to his wife. he said.