no, sir, i believe the would-be murderer is a gentleman of french ancestry. or so it would seem. i hope i won't give offense if i observe that the french are known to be a race of assassins, though they can't shoot worth a damn. any frenchman among the present company excluded of course. well, sirs. again not wishing to give offense. it might be a good idea if the country were to choose a queen. or even a king . rather than a president. one isn't as quick to take a shot at a king or a queen. the majesty of royalty, you see. why don't we shoot some turkeys, friend? ten shots. a dollar a turkey. i'll shoot for the queen, and you can shoot for. whomever. i believe that's eight for me. to one for you. a matter of seven of your american dollars. no doubt your aim was affected by your grief over the injury to your . uh. president. it's the climate does it. that and the infernal distances. induces people to shoot persons in high places. it's a savage country. that's the second one shot in twenty years. it's uncivilized shooting people of substance. proper authority eh? well, sir. neither my companion nor i carry firearms on our persons. rather, we trust in the goodwill of our fellow man and the forbearance of reptiles. can see that there's a dignity in royalty. a majesty. that precludes the likelihood of assassination. a wise policy. but if you did, i can assure you, the sight of royalty would cause you to dismiss all thoughts of bloodshed and stand. in awe. whereas, a president. i mean, why not shoot a president? now this strawberry alice person, tell me again. billiards, eh? even though i don't really wish to play? ah, i see. come on, ww. let's. shit and fried eggs. little bill, i thought you were dead. i see you shaved off your chin whiskers. what i heard was that you fell off your horse drunk and broke your neck. ww beauchamp. little bill daggett and. "friends." the same. books. he's my biographer. i wouldn't do it, ww. not really. maybe a couple of peacemakers. i imagine you could overlook those, eh, bill? if you didn't see them. or hear them? be careful with those, sonny. you leave me at the mercy of my enemies. wh. what. ? mmmm pistols. a plague on you! a plague on the whole stinking lot of you! you're uncivilized vermin, without laws or morals! you're worthless savages! i curse you! you're cursed! cursed!