she laughed. a fella's askin' for you, alice. this way, mister. th-th-they just c-c-come for the b-b-billiards, little bill, honest. th-th-they was g-g-goin to f-f-fort b-b-buford t-t-to. silky an' faith, they rode off to the east an' two deputies was followin' them. ned's share? he's. he's dead. they. they killed him. i. thought you know that. i thought you knew because. little bill. the. the bar t boys caught him and little bill. n-no. he. he beat him up. he was making him. answer questions. and beating him up. and then. ned just died. little bill didn't mean to kill him. he said he was sorry an' all. but he said it was a good example anyhow. they got. a sign on him says he was a killer. in front of greely's. it says, "this here is what happens to" about where you an' him was. an' where you was from. an' what your names was. an'. l-lies. at first. about how you was just passin' through and didn't kill nobody. an' little bill kept askin' questions, mixin' him up, catchin' lies. an' then he'd beat on ned an' ned would cry and lie some more an' then. then. a cowboy come in sayin' you killed quick mike in the shit house at the bar t. not on purpose. but he started hurtin' him worse. makin' him tell stuff. first ned wouldn't say nothin'. but little bill hurt him so bad he said who you was. n-no, sir?