huh? william munny, yeah. what is it, son? hold on, mister. son, this here pig gotta be moved outta this pen, away from them others. penny, you give yer brother a hand. let's talk inside, mister. you're pete sothow's nephew, huh? hell, i thought maybe you was someone come to kill me. . for somethin' i done in the old days. yeah, i guess so. maybe i ain't. he said that, huh? schofield? you from schofield? oh. about what? what for? jesus! no cussin' now, will. go on out the pump an' clean up some an' i'll be along. check them other pens. i ain't like that no more, kid. whiskey done it as much as anythin' i guess. i ain't touched a drop in ten years. my wife, she cured me of it. cured me of drink an' wickedness. she's passed on, kid. been gone near three years now. i don't never see nobody anyhow. best we move that pig. them flowers, penny, i could tell your maw liked them, hear? take care of your sister, son. you can kill three chickens if you need, not no more. keep the hogs that got fever separate if you can. an' if you need help, go see sally two- trees over to ned logan's. ain't felt a saddle in a while myself. easy old gal, easy. now this here horse is gettin' even on me. hold on gal. for the sins of my youth. in my youth. before i met. your dear departed mother. i was weak an' givin' to mistreatin' horses an' such. an' this here horse. an' that ole pig, too, i guess. is my comeuppance for my cruelty. used to be i could cuss an' hurt an animal. til your departed mother, god rest her, showed me the error of my ways. i won't be no longer than a couple of weeks. remember how the spirit of your departed maw watches over you. hullo sally. i. uh, i ain't seen you in near as long as this, uh. as this horse ain't felt the saddle. should be easy killin' em. supposin' they don't run off to texas first. eleven. we done stuff before for money, ned. cut up a woman. cut her eyes out, cut her tits off, cut her fingers off. done everythin' but cut up her cunny, i guess. i guess you wouldn't mind to look in on my youngsters next week. might be you could help them move a couple of them pigs if they got to separate 'em more. two weeks, i guess. yup. you still got the spencer rifle? we'll come across him tomorra, i guess. got used to my bed. ain't gonna feel to home out here. it ain't nothin', don't fret it. she don't like it much, you goin' off with me. she gave me the evil eye. i ain't blamin' her, ned, i ain't holdin' it against her. she knew me back then. an' she seen what a no good sonofabitch i was. an' she won't allow how i've changed. she just don't know how i ain't like that no more. i ain't the same, ned. claudia, she. straightened me up, got me clear of the whiskey an' all. us goin' to do this killin'. that don't mean i'm back to like i was. i just need the money. for a new start. for them youngsters. remember that drover, the one i shot in the mouth so's the teeth come out the back of his head? i dream about him now an' again. i didn't have no reason to shoot him. not one i could remember when i sobered up. nobody liked me. none of the boys. they was scared of me. figured i might shoot 'em out of pure meanness. eagle. he hated my guts. bonaparte didn't like me none. quincy, he was always watchin' me. scared. hell, no. i'm just a fella now. ain't no different from anyone else no more. no you didn't. you wasn't no different, ned. sure, i got to. got to get supplies. naw. naw, i don't ever go into town for that. a man like me. a man like me can't get no woman but one he's gonna pay for. an' that ain't right. buyin' flesh. claudia, god rest her soul, she wouldn't have wanted me doin' nothin' like that, me bein' a father, an' all. sometimes. yeah. i don't miss it all that much. yeah. yeah. naw. i bumped my head fallin' off of my horse. beats the hell out of me. i didn't see nothin' planted. hey, kid. is that you, kid? hey kid, it's me, bill munny. had to chase the damn horse a mile. well, we was. like you said, i changed my mind an'. well, now kid, there's two of these cowboys, ain't that so? better there's three of us. maybe them cowboys got friends. maybe. now ned's a hell of a shot with a rifle. hell, he can hit a bird in the eye flyin'. three ways, i figured. sorry, ned. guess i wasted your time. see ya, kid! he's my partner. he don't go, i don't. oh shit. huh? lookin' at? shit. now hold on, boys, hold on. now, kid, you kin see fifty yards, can't you? easy, kid, easy. now, you hear that, ned? the kid can see fifty yards fine, hear? fifty yards ain't bad. guess we better get along. yeah. you said that last night. well, i guess you're gonna miss your fuckin' roof soon enough. what business? well. i don't recollect. get some sleep, kid. you fucking no-good goddamn shit- faced pig fucking dirty whore. i didn't mean it, old gal. not for me. i don't touch it no more. i know it's rainin', give the kid a drink, why dontcha? no. yeah? well, i ain't like that no more, ned. i ain't no crazy, killin' fool. if we don't drown first. you. you remember eagle hendershot? i seen him. his head was all busted open so's you could see the inside. worms was comin' out. huh? uh, no. no, i ain't drunk. well. uh. i. i ain't got no, uh, firearms. i. dunno. i mean, i guess not. no, they ain't carryin' no guns. like i said, i. uh, william. uh. hendershot. i. i guess i might. but like i said, i ain't armed. uh. yeah. yeah. well, uh. it ain't loaded. well, the powder's wet an. ohhhhh, ooohhhh no. no, i didn't do nothin'. ned. is that you, ned? ned, i seen. death. i seen the angel of death ned, an' i seen the river. he's a snake, he got. snake eyes. the angel. the angel of death. i'm scared, ned. ned, i'm gonna die. i seen her. i seen claudia too. she was all covered with worms. oh, ned, i'm scared of dyin'. ned. don't tell nobody. don't tell the kids. don't tell 'em none of. none of the things i done. i thought. you was an angel. some big guy beat the shit out of me. i guess i must look a lot like you, huh? i didn't mean no offense. i guess you're the one them cowboys cut up. ned an' the kid, my partners, are they. ? scouting? oh. how long i been here? three days? i must be. i thought i was gone. see them birds? most times i wouldn't even notice them birds much. but i'm noticin' 'em real good 'cause i thought i was dead. that big guy lookin' for me? yeah, i guess. there's still a payment, ain't there? advances? free ones? oh. yeah. me? no. no, i guess not. i. i guess not. i didn't mean i didn't want one 'cause of you bein' cut up. i didn't mean that. it ain't that at all. you're a beautiful woman. what i said before, how i might look like you . i didn't mean you was ugly like me, hell no. i only meant how we both had scars. you're a beautiful woman an'. if i was to want a free one, i guess i'd want you more than them others. it ain't. see. i can't have no free one on account of my wife. yeah. see? yeah, i guess. uh. yeah. yeah. she's uh. watchin' over the little ones. finish him, ned. he got the boy's horse. he's clear of the horse, ned. better get him. if he gets behind them rocks we ain't gonna get him. not without we go down there. i ain't much of a shot. shit! how many shots i got, ned? how many left goddamit? better re-load it. i got him. maybe, maybe not. got him in the gut, i think. yup. we killed him, i guess. bring him some goddamn water, no. yeah. after a ways. we got to kill this other one first. shit, ned, if we're lucky, we could kill him by nightfall. or maybe tomorrow morning. then we could head back, all three of us, with the money. shit, ned, this ain't the time to quit. shut up, kid. hold on, ned. i ain't worth a shit with it. me an' the kid, we'll head over to the ranch an' as soon as we find him, we'll shoot him. then we'll come back an' the three of us pick up the money an' head south together. i'll bet anything he won't go to town nor he won't ride out on the range. right off he'll hole up at the ranch. ned, don't pay no mind to what the kid said about the money. i'll bring your share along, hear? the kid's full of shit, hear? it's gonna get riper yet. yeah, he's in there. he's in there. yup. you can shoot him. yup. he's yours, kid. can you get him? shoot him, kid! come on, kid. did. you. get. him? hold still. cover me, kid, while i mount. just shoot! yeah, i guess so. i don't remember, kid. i was drunk most of the time. give me a pull on that bottle, will you? yeah. first one what? yeah? well, that fella today, you shot him alright. take a drink, kid. it's a hell of a thing, ain't it, killin' a man. you take everythin' he's got. an' everythin' he's ever gonna have. we all got it comin', kid. i was watchin' you. seein' if you was followed. you wanna help me count, kid? well, you don't wanna trust me too much. we'll take ned his share together so you don't figure i run off with it. yeah, he went south ahead of us. i guess we'll catch him before. no he ain't. he went south yesterday. nobody didn't kill ned, he went south yesterday. he didn't even kill nobody. why would anybody kill ned? who killed him? he hanged him? shot him down? good example! good example of what i'd like to know? he didn't even kill nobody. he couldn't do it no more. a sign on him? they got a sign on him in front of greely's? the questions little bill asked him. what sort of questions was they? what'd ned say? then. what? an' little bill killed ned for what i done? didn't scare little bill though, did it? lemmee see that schofield, kid. lemmee see it. you better get on back, miss. i thought you wanted to buy spectacles an' fancy clothes an' all. shit, kid. i ain't gonna kill you. you're. the only friend i got. this here money, take my share an' ned's an' leave it with my youngsters. tell 'em half goes to sally two trees if i ain't back in a week. the rest is yours. you could buy them spectacles. i guess you won't mind my keepin' the bottle. stay clear of folks you might see. there's plenty out lookin' to hang you. go on now, skedaddle. which fucker owns this shithole? you there, fat man, speak up. better step clear, boys. he should have armed himself if he was gonna decorate his saloon with the body of my friend. i have done that. killed women and children. i have killed most everything that walks or crawls an' now i have come to kill you, little bill, for what you done to ned. now step aside. boys. every asshole that doesn't want to get shot best clear out the back quick. you ain't shot. you sure you ain't armed? a writer? what do you write. letters an' such? yeah. huh? yeah? i was lucky in the order. i always been lucky killin' folks. i could tell you who was last, mister. missed again, asshole. "deserve" don't mean shit, little bill. i'm comin' outta here. an' any fucker i see out there, i'm gonna kill him. an' any fucker takes a shot at me, i ain't just gonna kill him, but i'm gonna kill his wife an' all his friends an' burn his fucking house, hear? you boys better bury old ned right. and you better not carve up nor otherwise harm no whores. or i will come back an' kill more sonsabitches, hear? ain't you a lady! place looks good. i guess you lost some hogs to the fever. three? that ain't bad considerin'. tom? the kid, yeah. he say anythin'. the kid. ? well, i come back, didn't i? did i what? steal it? naw, i didn't steal it. what? who said that? before i met your maw, god rest her soul, it used to be i was kinda. wicked. drinkin' spirits an' gettin' into scrapes an' all. only she made me see the error of my ways an'. i ain't like i was no more. naw, son, i didn't kill nobody.