get offa her, asshole. shut up, alice. little bill, a whippin' ain't gonna settle this. this here's a lawful contract. betwixt me an' delilah fitzgerald, the cut-whore. now i brung her clear from boston, paid her expenses an' all, an' i got a contract which represents an investment of capital. damaged property. like if i was to hamstring one of their cow ponies. hell no. leastways, they won't pay to do it. alice, tend to delilah. you boys took a while. couple more days i was gonna call on the sheriff. damn you. where'd you get the money, huh? you told them cowboys you had it. what you gonna do when somebody comes to collect? fuck 'em? fuck 'em a thousand times? the kind of people who'll come after that thousand, they won't tolerate if you don't have it. they won't just cut your face up a little. stupid cunts! hit your finger, huh? heard you done the roof yourself. what's all that wood? them whores. them whores, they been fuckin' an' fuckin' all them cowboys that come into town the last two weeks. they been fuckin' 'em, 'an tellin' every bow-legged one of 'em how they're payin' a thousand dollars to whatever sonofabitch kills them two boys which cut up delilah. yup. i didn't hear nothin' till last night. oh, shit, bill, i guess nobody's gonna come clear from texas. you know how women kin lie. i knock 'em around a little, ask 'em where the money is, they say they don't have none?. but they coulda squirreled away that much, the five of 'em. maybe. you could run off them two cowboys. well, i guess they'll just up an' run anyhow, them two. shit, bill, could be nobody won't come at all. delilah, them tables ain't clean. can't you get 'em clean? well, if you'd cover up your face, maybe somebody'd want to fuck with you an' you wouldn't have to do all the cleanin'. whaddaya call them things that cover the face? yeah, a veil. christ it's hot. thank god. easy, little bill, she's gotta work, she's gotta turn a dollar a time. i. i own this establishment. i bought it from greely for a thous.