i seen how you got only three fingers on your left hand, though, so i guess you're calling yourself mister bill munny. same one as shot charlie pepper in lake county? you shot charlie pepper, didn't you? and you're the one killed william harbey an' robbed the train over. i could of. easy. like i was sayin' you don't look like no meaner than hell cold- blooded damn killer. well, uncle pete said you was the goddamndest meanest sonofabitch ever lived an' if i ever wanted a partner for a killin', you was the worst one. meanin' the best. on account of you're cold as snow an' don't have no weak nerve nor fear. i'm a damn killer myself, only i ain't killed so many as you because of my youth. schofield kid, they call me. on account of my schofield model smith and wesson pistol. well, how about it? bein' my partner. i'm headin' north up around the niobrara in nebraska. gonna kill a couple of no good cowboys. for cuttin' up a lady. they cut up her face an' cut her eyes out, cut her ears off an' her tits too. thousand dollars of reward. five hundred a piece. well. you don't look so prosper- ous. hell, you could buy her a new dress out of your half. we could kill them two an' you could buy your wife one of them fancy. huh? oh. don't tell nobody about the reward an' all. don't need no other gunmen tryin' to collect. if you was to change your mind, might be you could catch me. due west to the western trail an' north to ogallala. who you got with you? no, i ain't. thought you was followin' me. wasn't nothin' said about no partner. i seen two fellas followin' me, i guessed they come to kill me. we didn't talk about no other fella. i was gonna kill them two by myself. it don't take three. keep your damn hands offa that rifle, mister. nothin's bent. you gonna share your half with him? no. you're goin' back with him? what's it come to, three ways? what the hell are you pissin' about, i'd like to know? well, what were you lookin' at anyhow? oh, them. hell, i seen them. yeah? hell, i could hit it too if i didn't mind wasting a shot. see them fucking turtles? far enough. more. fuck you. i ain't blind, you asshole. bet your ass i kin see fifty yards an' i kin shoot this sonofabitch. say, bill. that business in jackson county. did that really happen? i mean how they say it happened? an' how there was two deputies up close pointin' rifles at you. had you dead to rights. an' how you pulled out a pistol an' blew them both away to hell. an' only took a scratch yourself. uncle pete told me he never seen nothin' like it, shootin' your way out of a scrape like that. you don't recollect! say, ned. ? how many men you killed? ain't you gonna answer? well, i gotta know what kind of fellas i'm ridin' with, don't i? in case of a scrape. five. i killed five of 'em. that counts a mexican i killed. he come at me with a knife. you boys are crotchety as a couple of hens. let's go. i left you some. about a drop. what about bill? what we gonna do about. oh, jesus. oh, jesus. jesus. you done this before? his pistol must of jammed. he wouldn't of took no beating like that if it hadn't of jammed. he wouldn't just give it over an' not shoot no one. he don't look so good. he didn't even pull his pistol, huh? well, i guess i woulda at least pulled my pistol an. that was your idea, i wanted to. huh? already? hey, i'm near ready for another advance. well, we're just waitin' on the weather. if the weather breaks tomorrow we could. three days? we could kill 'em tomorrow. we don't need him. the two of us could do it. he ain't nothin' but a broken down pig farmer. don't it make you sick, hearin' him like that? don't you ladies worry none. me an' ned, we'll kill those two fuckers. it was a lot of shit what my uncle told me, huh? all of it. about him, an' you an' uncle pete. about robbin' the rock island pacific. an' about them missouri banks. well i guess bill munny wasn't no fearless killer an' bank robber like he said. he's gonna die, ain't he? well, suppose he does? that ain't what i mean. i can't spot 'em myself but you could. that red-haired one, you could spot a half-mile off, i bet. i'll ride up close an' shoot 'em! i told you i'm a damn killer. i done it before. i'm more killer than him. hell, yeah. he ain't dead? you didn't get him? did you kill him? what happened? he ain't dead? what's goin' on? what rocks? why don't you shoot? what's goin' on? ain't you gonna shoot? is he dead? what happened, did you hit him? they're shootin' at us. did you get him? where is he? did you get him? tell me. christ. you missed him? you didn't? he ain't killed. them assholes can't hit us up here. just wastin' bullets. you think he's gonna die? you think we killed him? shouldn't of cut up no woman, they takin' water? when we gonna double back? you're gonna lose your share. if you don't. sure is fuckin' ripe. i wish we'd get a breeze. you still think he's in there? well, he's holding on to his shit like it was money. tell me right off if you see him. you. you ain't gonna shoot him yourownself? is it him? yeah. i can't see 'em. where are you, bill, where are you, i can't see you. wait for me. is that what it was like, bill, in the old days. ridin' out with everybody shootin'. smoke all over an' folks yellin' an' bullets whizzin' by? shit. i thought they was gonna get us. i was even. scared a little. just for a minute. was you ever scared in them days? i shot that fucker three times. he was takin' a shit. he went for his pistol an' i blazed away. first shot got him in the chest. say, bill. that was. the first one. first one i ever killed. how i said i shot five men. it wasn't true. that mexican. the one that come at me with a knife. i busted his leg with a shovel. i didn't shoot him or nothin'. h-hell yeah. i killed the hell out of him. three shots. he was takin' a sh-sh-shit an'. an'. oh ch-ch-christ. it don't. it don't seem. real. how he's. dead. how he ain't gonna breathe no more. n-n-never. or the other one neither. on account of. of just. pullin' a trigger. well, i gu-guess they had it. comin'. i trust you, bill. wha. what f-for? sure. sure, bill. you. you could keep it, bill. i ain't. gonna use it no more, i ain't gonna kill nobody. i. i ain't like you, bill. you. gonna take. the money? you could have it. all of it. i'd rather be blind and ragged than dead, i guess. are you. are you gonna. kill little bill? you're gonna kill him, ain't you?