no. soon enough the bird will be ours yet again. find the scent, my compadres and you two shall have much rewardings from master for the toil factor you wage. beta. gamma. mayhaps you desire to -- squirrel! mayhaps you desire to challenge the ranking that i have been assigned by my strength and cunning? do not mention dug to me at this time. his fool's errand will keep him most occupied, most occupied indeed. ha ha ha. do you not agree with that which i am saying to you now? you are wise, my trusted lieutenant. this is alpha calling dug. come in, dug. i know, i know! have you seen the bird? impossible! where are you?! there he is. come on! where's the bird? you said you had the bird. where is it? you lost it. why do i not have a surprised feeling? well, at least you now have lead us to the small mailman and the one who smells of prunes. master will be most pleased we have found them, and will ask of them many questions. come! he has lost the bird. put him in the cone of shame. master, dinner is ready. thank you master. russell reacts. master! the small mailman has returned. allow no one to be entering through these doors. guard well that bird, my minions. i will have many enjoyments for what i am about to do, dug. what? do not just continue sitting! attack! no! no! stop your laughing! get this off of me!