hi there. oh yes. carl jumps back. my name is dug. i have just met you and i love you. my master made me this collar. he is a good and smart master and he made me this collar so that i may talk -- squirrel!! dug stares transfixed at a tree. false alarm. my master is good and smart. oh it is, because my master is smart. hey would you- i am a great tracker. my pack sent me on a special mission all by myself. have you seen a bird? i want to find one and i have been on the scent. i am a great tracker, did i mention that? bam! the bird tackles dug and hisses. hey, that is the bird! i have never seen one up close but this is the bird. may i take your bird back to camp as my prisoner? oh i can bark! dug barks. and here's howling! dug howls. the bird hisses at dug. please be my prisoner. oh please oh please be my prisoner. hi alpha. hey, your voice sounds funny. why yes, the bird is my prisoner now. i am here with the bird and i will bring it back and then you will like me. oh, gotta go. on the collar screen, the dogs get a fleeting glimpse of a boy's face. it's russell. oh please oh please oh please be my prisoner! that man there says i can take the bird and i love that man there like he is my master. i am warning you, once again, bird! i am jumping on you now, bird. a ball! oh boy oh boy! a ball! oh oh oh! yes, i do. i do ever so want the ball! oh boy, oh boy! i will get it and then bring it back! hi, master. find the bird. find the bird. point! the bird has gathered a pile of food on carl's roof. yeah, get off of his ! the bird is calling to her babies. her house is over there in those twisty rocks. miles off is a huge grouping of rocks; the labyrinth. the baby birds call from somewhere inside. she has been gathering food for her babies and must get back to them. oh, yes. oh, yes. since i have said that, i can see how you would think that. uh, tomorrow. come back tomorrow and then i will again have the bird. yes. i do not like the cone of shame. master, over here! go toward the light, master! dogs climb down the rocks, closing in on carl and russell. go on master! i will stop the dogs! dug jumps down to block the path of the approaching dogs. stop you dogs!! no, my pack is not following us! boy they are dumb. dug scampers back to carl and russell, who pull the house from behind a tree canopy. hey, i know a joke. a squirrel walks up to a tree and says i forgot to store acorns for winter and now i am dead. ha! it is funny because the squirrel gets dead. they pull the house, keeping it hidden behind the trees. master. it's alright. i was hiding under your porch because i love you. can i stay? you are my master?! dug lunges forward and overwhelms carl with dog kisses. oh boy. oh boy! uh. point! dug points to a grate in the wall. hi. listen you dog! sit! surprised at dug's moxy, alpha sits. all other dogs sit too. alpha? i am not alpha, he is- master! the house bears down on them. they run to meet it. oh i am ready to not be up high. carl laughs heartily as dug jumps on him and licks his face. carl looks into the distance. his house, now empty, floats softly down into the clouds, and disappears. grey one.