it's a beautiful day, winds out of the east at ten knots. visibility. unlimited. enter the weather in the logbook! the navigator skitters in its cage. oh! there's something down there! i will bring it back for science. awwww, it's a puppy! no time! a storm! lightning! hail! ellie pops up in front of carl. what are you doing!?! don't you know this is an exclusive club? only explorers get in here. not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles. do you think you got what it takes? well, do you?!? alright, you're in. welcome aboard. she offers her hand. carl looks down, embarrassed. what's wrong? can't you talk? carl is frozen. ellie softens. hey, i don't bite. she takes off her helmet. her hair frizzes out in all directions. she removes a homemade grape soda cap pin from her shirt and pins it on carl. you and me, we're in a club now. i saw where your balloon went. come on, let's go get it! my name's ellie. there it is. well, go ahead. she pushes him out onto the beam. go on. hey kid!! thought you might need a little cheerin' up. i got somethin' to show ya! i am about to let you see something i have never shown to another human being. ever. in my life. carl's eyes widen in alarm. you'll have to swear you will not tell anyone. carl nods. cross your heart. do it! carl crosses. ellie unveils. my adventure book! it's a reused photo album with the words "my adventure book" written across it. she opens it to a photo of charles muntz. you know him. carl smiles excitedly. charles muntz, explorer. when i get big, i'm going where he's going: south america. she turns the page to a map. it's like america. but south. wanna know where i'm gonna live? "paradise falls, a land lost in time." i ripped this right out of a library book. i'm gonna move my clubhouse there, and park it right next to the falls. who knows what lives up there? and once i get there. well, i'm saving these pages for all the adventures i'm gonna have. only. i just don't know how i'm gonna get to paradise falls. ellie closes the book, disappointed. that's it! you can take us there in a blimp! swear you'll take us. cross your heart! cross it! cross your heart. good. you promised. no backing out. well, see you tomorrow kid! bye. "adventure is out there!!" you know, you don't talk very much. i like you. 23: proceed. you ever heard of a snipe? get away from our mailbox! that thing was. building or something. uh-huh. snipe! russell follows the tracks into the dark jungle, clapping. whoah! whoah! hey, look mr. fredricksen, it likes me! no stop, that tickles! "an explorer is a friend to all, be it plants or fish or tiny mole." -cuerdo con tigo- i use that collar- -watashi wa hanashi ma- -to talk with, i would be happy if you stopped. quick russell, give me some chocolate. it is?!? who's charles muntz? shouldn't've used that word. having guests is a delight. more often i get thieves, come to steal what's rightfully mine. what do we do now, dug? oohhhh! awwww!