agent jack baer, f.b.i. how many dead? f don't want any of the bodies taken away until i've had a chance to go over this, understood? yes, the chief. spooky stuff. any survivors? excuse me. is he talking? hungarian? it was hungarian. most of them were hungarians. any fluent hungarians on your staff? will he die? call hospital security and put a man on the door until the police get here. yes. joel, it's baer. i'm down at l.a. county. the guy they pulled out of the harbor is arkosh kovash. yes, i'm sure. no, he's all fucked up. what? i can't hear you. shut up, hugo, i'm on the phone. yes. no. not until i put someone on him. listen, i need you to send me someone who can speak hungarian. he's awake and talking like a thai hooker. how should i know? get me someone who can talk to him - what? no shit? joel, call dan metzheiser over at justice and find dave kujan from customs. are you the translator? i'11 see to it we're gone before he blows his porch light, doctor. this is tracy fitzgerald. she's a composite sketch artist from county. everyone calm down. ask this man about the shoot-out in the harbor. dope, we know. tell him to tell this man what he was telling me before. who is the devil? who did he see? ready? i've been looking all over for you. you still after the coke that walked out of that blood bath in the harbor? you can stop looking. there was no coke. i've been in l.a. county with a guy they we know, but our man says no way on the dope. this hungarian tells me the whole bunch was pulling stumps for turkey the next' day. they had no time to negotiate that kind of product and no means to move it. he didn't know. no one doing the deal knew except a few key people. this guy says they were real hush about it. whatever it was it was highly sensitive. they tell me you got the cripple from new york in there. he mention keyser soze bear with me here. i can introduce you to dan metzheiser from justice. he has a file on sate in d.c. it's been a hobby of his for a few years. a lot of guys equate him to that reporter on the incredible hulk. on the street? a few times. outside stuff. somebody was working for a guy who was working for a guy who got money through keyser soze. that kind of shit. could be an old badge. a hex sign to keep people from fucking with you back when a name meant something. shit yeah. i got a guy trying to walk out of the hospital on d fried drumstick to get away from soze. i'11 run it up the flagpole. a boy came across a body on the beach this morning. thrown clear when the boat burned. shot once in the head. two guys from the f.b.i. just identified him. + there's more.