let me look at you. now remember, this is another kind of business. they don't earn your respect. you owe it to them. don't stare them down but don't look away either. confidence. they are fools not to trust you. that's the attitude. you've come far. you're a good man. i love you. live with it. sorry we're late. i'm sorry. dean keaton and the desk sergeant is actually trying to tell me he can't release you? can you believe that? you weren't even charged. new york police - jesus. i want to take pictures of your face to bring to the d.a. first thing in the morning. absolutely not. i'11 have this thing in front of a grand jury by monday. they want more time to think about investing. they just said they wanted time. give me some credit. i got you this far, let's go to the grand jury. this is never going to stop if we - don't give up on me now, dean. i love you. dean, i love you. do you hear me? let's just go to my place. we'll worry about this tomorrow. come home with me, please. dean? come home, dean. dean, who was at the i know who he is. i hope so, too, mr. kint. can i get you something to drink? so what is it you do, mr. kint? a hijacker like dean, here? or something more creative? i don't know what you came here for, but we won't have any part of it. i've spent the last year of my life putting his back together again - i won't have you come in here and - what makes you think - get out. get out of m home. how dare you come here? don't touch me. just don't,