i want to call my lawyer. i don;'t know about any truck. i was in connecticut all night on friday. who? hey, are we talking about the same thing? you guys got nothing on me. where's your probable cause? hello? can you hear me in the back? p.c. where is it? i'm lookin'. it's not happening. what's going on with that? i want somebody should do something. what is this shit - getting hauled in every five minutes? okay, so i did a little time, does that mean i get railed every time a truck finds its way off the planet? you're fuckin' a right, no p.c. well screw p.c. no right. no goddamn right. you do some time, they never let you go. treat me like a criminal, i'll end up a criminal. why you gotta go and do that? i'm trying to make a point. i'd say you've gotten on his main and central nerve, mcmanus. forget him. it's not important. i was trying to make a point. so why the hell was i hauled in and cavity searched tonight? i had a guy's fingers in my asshole tonight. fuck you. i'11 never shit right again. so who did it? own up. then who goes? getting by. so why tell us? everybody i ever worked with, did time with. i don't know. who was that guy that used to talk about soze in new york? yeah. he said he did jobs for him. indirect stuff. always five times more money than the job was worth. i don't know. this is bad. the way i hear it, soze is some kind of butcher. no pity.