i'd have to say my spine was broken, keyser. what time is it? i'm having a stroke. how do you do? skeptical. it's simple gentlemen, design let's say for example - dave. i'm in a meeting. this is my attorney, edie finneran. if you will excuse us for a moment, gentlemen. please. sit. enjoy the meal. i'll call you. with what? hey, that was your mistake, not mine. did you ever think to ask me? i've been like i said. it was all your mistake. charge me with it and i'll beat it. let's get back to the truck. then make it. christ, you're making me tired all over. you heard right. do your friend a favor, fenster, keep him quiet . this whole thing was a shakedown. how many times have you been in a line- up? it's always you and four dummies. the p.d. pays homeless guys ten bucks a head half the time. no way they'd line five felons in the same row. no way. and what the hell is a voice line-.up? a public defender could get you off of that. it was the feds. a truck load of guns gets snagged, customs comes down on n.y.p.d. for some answers - they come up with us. they're grabbing at straws. it's politics - nothing you can do. i don't want to know. he's alright. his name is verbal kint. i thought you guys knew him. we've met once or twice. last time was in. you were waiting for a line-up then, too. what happened with that? let it go. why don't you just calm down' i'm not kidding. shut your mouth. no, you're missing the point. shut up. i don't want to hear anything you have to say. i don't want to know about your "job". just don't let me hear you. i want nothing to do with any of you - i beg your pardon but all of you can go to hell. just forget about it. edie, please. i don't want to hear this right now. what did renault and fortier say? goddamnit. time for what, edie? time to look into me a little more, that's what. no matter how well you cover my tracks now, they'll find out who i am. no. it's never going to stop, period. it won't take more than a week before every investor in this city is walking away from us. it's finished. i'm finished. they'll never stop. they ruined me tonight. huh? alright. what are you doing here'! how did you find me? verb - roger, this is edie finneran. edie, this is roger kint, he was at what the hell do you want? i did you a favor by standing up for you last night, but don't think we're friends. i'm sorry, but i have other things - that's enough, edie. edie, please. get out. hurt you, you sonofabitch? i could kill you. they - that's bullshit. they don't operate anymore. what fence? who? never heard of him. what's with you? what do you care whether i come or not? tough break. you watch your mouth. i apologize. you okay? well, i'm sorry. how are they going to do it? fenster and hockney? three million? no killing? i swore i'd live above myself. we need to lay low for a while. we'll make it. we'll make it. snazzy dresser this guy. we're on vacation. a friend of mine in new york tells me you knew spook hollis. i shivved him. better you hear it from me now than somebody else later. a little of both. one job, that was the deal. this is bullshit. something - i don't know. i ever tell you about the restaurant i wanted to open? give me the case. move. son of a bitch. what are you doing? we did it your way. now i'11 deal with him. i'm going to deal with him. you didn't know. who is he? we want to meet him. tell him we'll meet. so i need to know if anyone can think of anybody. somebody with power. enough to possibly track us from new york. what can we do for you? who's your boss? don't jerk me off. we all know what this is. you don't work with me if i work with you without knowing who i'm working for. now let's cut the shit. who's the man? what is this? an order. you set up the line-up. what about redfoot? give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you right now. jesus christ. open them. this is not right. come on. the guy is a pipe dream. this kobayashi is using him for window dressing . there' is no keyser soze what do you want to do with him? i'm sorry, mcmanus. no time. no shovel. dig. they don't seem to have a problem with it either. it's not payback. i don't answer to you. + it's precaution. you want payback? you want to run? i don't care. i'm going to finish this thing. not for fenster, not for anybody else, but for me. this kobayashi cocksucker isn't going to stand over me. all of you can go to hell. the answer is no. listen to me, cocksucker. there is no keyser sate. if you say his name again, i'11 kill you right here. we know you can get to us, and now you know we can get to you. i'm offering you the chance to call this off. neither do we. we'll see. what did you say? you're lying. it's a logistical nightmare. close quarters, no advance layout, ten men, maybe twenty. doubtful. with all that coke, they'll be ready - which brings me to sunny spot number two. even if one of us gets through and jacks the boat, we get nothing. ten more men at least. in my opinion, it can't be done. anyone who walks into this won't come out alive. russian, i think. i don't know. knock it off. everyone shut up. i'm ready. mcmanus, you better be set up in ten seconds. i want you to stay here. understand? if we don't make it out, i want you to take the money and go. i want you to find edie. both of you find some place safe. tell her what happened - everything. she knows people. she'll know what to do. if we can't get kobayashi my way, she'll get him her way. just do what i tell you. tell her i. tell her i tried. what happened to you? what? are you alright? there's no coke. right behind you. where's hockney? i can't remember which way.