mr. keaton? i am mr. kobayashi. i've been asked by my employer to bring a proposal to you gentlemen. that must be mr. hockney. i recognize mr. fenster from his mug shot, as well as mr. mcmanus. i can only assume that you are mr. kint. i believe you were the one who disposed of saul. my employer sends his gratitude. a most unexpected benefit. my employer requires your services. one job. one day's work. very dangerous. i don't expect all of you to live, but those who do will have ninety-one million dollars to divide any way they see fit. my employer wishes to remain anonymous. i work for keyser sate. i am sure you've heard a number of tall tales, myths and legends about mr. soze i can assure you gentlemen, most of them are true. judging by the sudden change in mood, i am sure the rest of your associates can tell you, mr. kint. i have come with an offer directly from mr. soze. an order actually. in nineteen-eighty one, mr. keaton, you participated in the hijacking of a truck in buffalo, new york. the cargo was raw steel. steel that belonged to mr. soze and was destined for pakistan to be used in a nuclear reactor. a very profitable violation of u.n. regulations. you had no way of knowing this, because the man shipping the steel was working for mr. sate without his knowledge. + mr. fenster and mr. mcmanus hijacked a twin-prop cargo flight earlier this year out of newark airport. the plane was carrying platinum and gold wiring. also set for pakistan. two months ago, mr. hockney stole a truck carrying gun parts through queens - - guns allegedly set to be destroyed by the state of new york. they were to be "lost" in a weigh station and routed to belfast. again, mr. sate using pawns who had no knowledge. which brings us to mr. kint. nine months ago, one of mr. soze less than intelligent couriers was taken in a complicated confidence seam by a cripple. he was relieved of sixty-two thousand dollars. now - it has taken us some time to find you. our intention was to approach you after your apprehension in new york. mr. soze made a few calls, yes. you were not to be released until i came to see you. it seems mr. keaton's attorney, ms. finneran, was a bit too effective in expediting his release. holding the rest of you became a moot point. mr. redfoot knew nothing. mr. soze rarely t works with the same people for very long, and they never know who they're working for. one cannot be betrayed if one has no people. because you have stolen from mr. soze. that you did not know you stole from him is the only reason you are still alive, but he feels you owe him. you will repay your debt. i don't think that is relevant, mr. hockney. the five of you are responsible for the murder of saul berg and his bodyguards. mr. redfoot can attest to your involvement, and we can see to it that he will. he is not of your "superior" breed. the offer is this, gentlemen. mr. soze's primary interest, as i am sure you all know, is narcotics. he's been - competing shall we say, with a group of a gift from mr. soze gentlemen. mr. soze will be most - a strange threat. i can only assume you're here to kill me anyway. pity about mr. redfoot. ahh, mr. hockney. do join us. mr. so- my employer has made up his mind. he does not change it. i believe you, mr. mcmanus. i quite sincerely do. you would not have been chosen if you were not so capable, but i cannot make this decision. whatever you can threaten me with is. ludicrous in comparison to what will be done to me if i am sorry, mr. mcmanus. f implore you to believe me, mr. keaton. mr. soze is very real and very + determined. before you do me in, you will let me finish my business with ms. finneran first, won't you? edie finneran. she is upstairs in my office for an extradition deposition. i requested she be put on the case personally. she flew out yesterday. no matter. kill away, mr. mcmanus. am i? ms. finneran's escort in los angeles. never leaves her for a moment. i thought you'd like to know she was in good hands. get your rest, gentlemen. the boat will be ready for you on friday. if i see you or your friends before then, or fail to check in every half hour with that unpleasant looking man in there, ms. finneran will find herself the victim of a gruesome violation before she dies. as will your father, mr. hockney. and your uncle randall in arizona, mr. kint. i might only castrate mr. mcmanus' nephew, david. do i make myself clear? i'11 take care of the dead men downstairs. we'll add them to the cost of mr. fenster. now if you'll excuse me.