<<find someone who understands me, you idiot, i'm going to be killed, you'll all be killed if he has to do it. help me, god. they're all stupid. get someone who understands me or we're all going to die.>> <<why are you just standing there, you idiot? i'm not speaking english am i? wouldn't it make sense to find someone who could talk to me so you could find the person that set me on fire, perhaps? he is the devil. you've never seen anyone like keyser soze in all your miserable life you idiot. keyser soze. do you at least understand that? keyser soze. the devil himself. or are you american policemen io stupid that you haven't even heard of him. keyser soze, you ridiculous man. keyser soze . >> keyser - soze. keyser - soze. <<how am 17 you are as stupid as that one, but at least i can talk to you.>> <<we were there to buy a man and take him back to hungary.>> <<i'll tell you everything. i'11 even say it slow enough for you to understand it. just tell this man i want protection. real protection.>> <<no, no, no. i need a guarantee from the ridiculous man. i am going to be killed. i have seen the devil and looked him in the eye.>> keyser soze he was in the harbor shooting everyone in sight.>> <<keyser soze. keyser sate. i've seen his face. i see it when i close my eyes.>> <<it was smaller than that. sharper.>> <<it is longer than that. and not so dark. >> <<don't be stupid.>>