time for another one. special agent kujan. u.s. customs. these gentlemen are with the new york police department. you look great, keaton. better than i would have thought. the small matter of a stolen truck-load of guns that wound up on a boat to ireland last night. we need to ask you some questions downtown. you'll be quite awhile. what do you mean i can't see him? did they charge him with anything? what'the fuck is that? when does he post bail? i want to see him. this won't be an' interrogation, just a. friendly chat to kill time. someplace else, then. if it was a dope deal, where's the dope, if it was a hit, who called it in? you know damn well what i think. i don't think he does. not exactly, but there's a lot more to his story. i want to know why twenty-seven men died on that pier for what looks to be ninety-one million dollars worth of dope that wasn't there. above all, i want to be sure that dean keaton is dead. two hours. just until he makes bail. verbal, you know we're trying to help you. verbal, i know you know something. i know you're not telling us everything. i know you liked keaton i know you think he was a good man. he was a corrupt cop, verbal. keaton was a piece of shit. i just want to hear your story. according to your statement you are a short-con operator. run of the mill seams. everything you do, you learned from somebody else. oh, i know. sweet deal you have. total immunity . you know a dealer named ruby deemer, verbal? you know ruby is in attica? i know ruby. he's very big on respect. likes me very much. now i know your testimony was sealed. ruby is well connected. he still has people running errands for him. what do you think he'd say if he found out you dropped his name to the d.a.? i'11 be sure to mention that to him. the first thing i learned on the job, know what it was? how to spot a murderer. let's say you arrest three guys for the same killing. put them all in jail overnight. the next morning, whoever is sleeping is your man. if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest - let your guard down, you follow? i'11 get right to the point. i'm smarter than you. i'11 find out what i want to know and i'11 get it from you whether you like it or not. now what happened after the line-up? heartwarming. really, i feel weepy. oh come on, verbal. who do you think you're talking to? you really expect me to believe he retired? for a woman? bullshit. he was using her. sure. and i'm supposed to believe that hitting the taxi service wasn't his idea come on. keaton was a cop for four years. who else would know the taxi service let me tell you something. i know dean keaton. i've been investigating him for three years. the guy i know is a cold- + blooded bastard. l.a.p.d. indicted him on three counts of murder before he was kicked off the force, so don't sell me the hooker with the heart of gold. + do i? keaton was under indictment a total + of seven times when he was on the force. + in every case, witnesses either reversed + their testimony to the grand jury or died + before they could testify. when they t finally did nail him for fraud, he spent + five years in sing sing. he killed three prisoners inside - one with a knife in the tailbone while he strangled him to death. of course i can't prove this but i can't prove the best part either. dean keaton was dead. did you know that? r he died in a fire two years ago during an investigation into the murder of a witness who was going to testify against him. two people saw keaton enter a warehouse he owned just before it went he was dead just long enough for a murder rap to blow over, then he had lunch. i don't think you do. but you say you saw keaton die. i think you're covering his ass and he's still out there somewhere. i think he was behind that whole circus in the harbor. my bet is he's using you because you're stupid and you think he's your friend. you tell me he's dead, so be it. i want to make sure he's dead before i go back to new york. what lawyer? what lawyer, verbal? you think i don't know you held out on the d.a.? what did you leave out of that testimony? i can be on the phone to ruby deemer in ten minutes. not from me, you piece of shit. there is no immunity from me. you atone with me or the world you live in becomes the hell you fear in the back of your tiny mind. every criminal i have put in prison, is he the one that killed keaton? convince me. tell me every last detail. so this lawyer. came from redfoot. and why leave this out when you talked to the d.a.? jack. what are you doing here? yeah. there was ninety-one million - what was the money for? i don't get it. who ? who is keyser soze do you believe in him, verbal? and this is why you never told the d.a. turn state's evidence. take the stand on this and we'll hear it out. if there is a keyser soze he'll be looking for you. so why play into his hands? we can protect you. this is totally irrelevant. can we just get back to kobayashi? you're stalling, verbal. what happened? then what? what call? and after they killed fenster nobody would run? why didn't you say anything? why didn't you run? and ? kobayashi. a big fucking rat. keyser soze i'11 tell you what i know. stop me when it sounds familiar. there was no dope on that boat. and that's when you say in your statement that you saw. a man in a suit with a slim build. tall. i don't have a minute. are you saying it was keyser soze? you told the d.a. you didn't know who it was. don't shine me, verbal. no more stalling. you know what i'm getting at. then why didn't you help him? but keaton. arturo marquez. ever hear of him? he was a stool pigeon for the justice department. he swore out a statement to federal marshals that he had seen and could positively identify one keyser soze and had intimate knowledge of his business, including, but not exclusive to, drug trafficking and murder. his own people were selling him to a gang of hungarians. most likely the same hungarians that sate all but wiped out back in turkey. the money wasn't there for dope. the hungarians were going to buy the one guy that could finger soze for them. but keaton had. edie finneran was his extradition advisor. she knew who he was and what he knew. there were no drugs on that boat. it was a hit. a suicide mission to whack out the one man that could finger keyser soze so sate had a few thieves put to it. men he knew he could march into certain death. i'm saying keaton did. verbal, he left you behind for a reason. if you all knew soze could find you anywhere, why was he ready to send you off with the money when he could have used you to take the boat? why did he want you to live? a one-time dirty cop without a loyalty in the world finds it in his heart to save a worthless rat-cripple? no, sir. why' i don't buy that reform story for a minute. and even if i did, i certainly don't believe he would send you to protect her. so why? no, verbal. you weren't friends. keaton didn't have friends. he saved you because he wanted it that way. it was his will. keaton was keyser soze the kind of guy who could wrangle the wills of men like hockney and mcmanus. the kind of man who could engineer a police line-up from all his years of contacts in n.y.p.d. they found her yesterday in a hotel in pennsylvania. shot twice in the head. he used all of you to get him on that boat. he couldn't get on alone and he had to pull the trigger himself to make sure he got his man. the one man that could identify him. he left you to stay behind and tell us he was dead. you saw him die, right? or did you? you had to hide when the first police cars showed up. you heard the shot, just before the fire but you didn't see him die. he programmed you to tell us just what he wanted you to. customs has been because you're a cripple, verbal. because you're stupid. because you were weaker than them. because you couldn't see far enough into him to know the truth. if he's dead, verbal - if what you say is true, then it won't matter. it was his idea to hit the taxi service in new york, wasn't it? tell me the truth. why lie about everything else, then? you're not safe on your own. is he keyser soze i don't know, verbal. it seems to me that keyser sate is a shield. like you said, a spook story, but i know keaton - and someone out there is pulling strings for you. stay here and let us protect you. you posted twenty minutes ago. captain leo wants you out of here a.s.a.p., unless you turn state's. where are you going to go, verbal? you gonna run? turn states evidence. you might never see trial. if somebody wants to get you, you know they'll get you out there. i know what i wanted to know about keaton. no matter. he'll have to know how close we came. i'11 find him. a rumor is not a rumor that doesn't die. nothing. something i - forget it. man, you're a fucking slob. where is he? did you see him? t