i give the d.a. credit for getting that much to stick. this whole thing has turned political. the mayor was here - the chief - the governor called this morning, for christ's sake. this guy is even if i was to let you talk to him, he won't talk to you. he's paranoid about being recorded and he knows the interrogation rooms are wired no, no, no, no, no. and i am sure you have a host of wild + theories to answer these questions. that's crazy, dave and it doesn't matter. he has total immunity and his story checks out. he doesn't know what you want to know. had you heard of him before? his name was arturo marquez. a petty smuggler out of argentina. he was arrested in new york last year for trafficking. he escaped to california and got picked up in long beach. they were setting up his extradition when he escaped again. get this - edie finneran was called in to advise the proceedings.