how've you been? alright. how's it going, fenster? you got it? you must be keaton. the man with the plan. are you guys interested in more work? i've got a ton of work and no good people. a jeweler out of texas named saul. he rents a suite at a hotel downtown and does free appraisals. buys whatever he can. word is he moves with a lot of cash. i'11 take the merchandise, you keep the green. two bodyguards. pretty good. i'd expect nothing less. take your time. enjoy l.a. i hear you did time with old spook. yeah, he was a good egg. i used to run a lot of dope for him. fuckin' shame he got shivved. business or personal? ain't it a crime? call if you're interested. get a grip. i didn't know. the job got thrown to me by this lawyer. some limey. he's a middle-man for somebody. he doesn't say and i don't ask. he wants to meet you. he called last night and asked me to set it up. what do i tell him' mcmanus, you're a real bad-ass, but get off my tip. real shame about saul getting whacked. lot's of cops looking for the guys that did it. i'm sure they'll get around to asking me.