new york. - six weeks ago. a truck loaded with stripped gun parts got jacked outside of queens. the driver didn't see anybody, but somebody fucked up. he heard a voice. sometimes, that's all you need. it didn't make sense that i be there. i mean these guys were hard-core hijackers, but there i was. at that point, i wasn't scared, f knew i hadn't done anything they could do me for. besides, it was fun. i got to make like i was notorious. it was bullshit. the whole rap was a setup. everything is the cops' fault. you don't put guys like that in a room together. who knows what can happen? they drilled us all night. somebody was pissed about that truck getting knocked off and the cops had nothing. they were hoping somebody would slip. give them something to go on. they knew we wouldn't fight it because they knew how to lean on us. they'd been doing it forever. our rights went right out the window. it was a violation. i mean disgraceful. they went after mcmanus first. he was a good guy. crazy though. a top notch entry man . fenster always worked with mcmanus. he was a real tight-ass, but when it came to the job, he was right on. smart guy. a gopher. got whatever you needed for next to nothing. hockney was just a bad bastard. good with explosives. mean as a snake when it mattered . keaton was the real prize for them, for obvious reasons. roger really. people say i talk too much. county. i was in for fraud. i walked. ninety days, suspended. to your mother's ass. i'm interested, sure. and that was how it began. the five of us brought in on a trumped-up charge to be leaned on by half-wits. what the cops never figured out, and what i know now, was that these men would never break, never lie down, never bend over for anybody. . anybody. sure. and i appreciate that. and i want to help you, agent kujan. i like cops. i would have liked to have been a fed myself but my c.p. was - i told the d.a. everything i know. i know he was good. sure. fifteen years ago, but he was a good thief anyway, the cops wouldn't let him go legit. you trying to get a rise out of me, agent kujan? it's right here. that's been suppressed. anything in there is inadmissible. well i do have the weapons charge. i'm looking at six whole months hard time. you know a religious guy named john paul? he didn't have my lawyer. there's nothing in there about ruby. no. i'm not a rat. ahhh. back when i was picking beans in guatemala we used to make fresh coffee. right off the trees i mean. that was good. this is shit, but hey. i just asked one of the detectives downtown. he seemed pretty happy to tell how do you do? i hope i didn't disturb you. a glass of water would be nice. i wanted to talk to you. the other guys - they're gonna do a job. three million dollars, maybe more. they sent me to offer you a cut. we could use a fifth man - a driver - that's all you'll do. thank you. umm . if you'll just let me - don't hurt me. they're going to hit the taxi service. new york's finest taxi service. mcmanus has a friend in the fourteenth precinct. they're coming out for one job - thursday. they're picking up a guy smuggling emeralds out of south america. fenster and mcmanus have a fence set to take the stuff. some guy in california. his name is redfoot. you have to come. they - they don't know me. you do. they won't take me unless you go. look at me. i need this. don't tell me you don't need this. is this your place? they're never going to stop with us, you know that. this way we hit the cops where it hurts and get well in the mean time. as clean as you could ever get, they'll never let you go now. okay, okay. you say it's the real thing? that's cool. i was out of line. i'11 be alright. forget it. i'11 probably shit blood tonight. mcmanus wants to go in shooting. i said no way. they're pretty pissed off. they'll do anything. now i got a way to do it without killing anyone: but like i said, they won't let me in without you. maybe more. not if we do it my way. new york's finest taxi service was not your normal taxi service. it was a ring of corrupt cops in the n.y.p.d. that ran a high-profit racket, driving smugglers and drug dealers all over the city. for a few hundred dollars a mile, you got your own black and white and a police escort. they even had their own business cards. after a while, somebody started asking questions and the taxi service shut down. ever since then, internal affairs had been waiting to catch them in the act. and that was how we started. mcmanus came to us with the job; fenster got the vans; hockney supplied the hardware; 'i came through with how to do it so no one got killed - but keaton - keaton put on the finishing touch. a little "fuck you" from the five of us to the n.y.p.d. the papers got keaton's call that day and were on the scene before the cops were. strausz and rizzi were indicted three days later. within a few weeks, fifty more cops went down with them. it was beautiful. everybody got it right in the ass, from the chief on down. in california? we're going to miss the flight. don't do this. send her a card - something. we're gonna miss the plane. she'll understand. you wanted to know what happened after the line-up, i'm telling you. he loved her. that was all fenster and mcmanus. you keep trying to lay this whole ride on t keaton. it wasn't like that. sure he knew, but edie had him all turned around. r i'm telling you straight, i swear. + you got him wrong. i don't know about that. he wasn't behind anything. it was the lawyer. back when i was in that barber shop quartet in skokie, illinois i used to have the d.a. gave me immunity. there was a lawyer. kobayashi. no. but i'm sure keaton's dead. mcmanus' fence was this guy named redfoot. he had a good reputation around l.a. seemed like a good guy - looked like a cowhide full of thumbtacks. what is it keaton? l.a., was good for about two hours. we were from new york. there's no place to eat after one; you can't get a pizza that doesn't taste like a fried fruit-bat, and the broads don't want to know you if you don't look like a broad. within a few days the last of us was ready to go back to n.y., but keaton wouldn't have it, so he really didn't have a choice. we went to work. kobayashi. right. ahhh fuck. who's keyser soze? who's keyser soze? who is keyser soze he is supposed to be turkish. some say r his father was german. nobody believed he was real. nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for soze. you never knew. that was his power. the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. one story the guys told me - the story i believe - was from his days in turkey. there was a petty gang of hungarians that wanted their own mob. they realized that to be in power you didn't need guns or money or even numbers. you just needed + the will to do what the other guy wouldn't. after a while they come to power, and then they come after soze he was small time then, just running dope, they say. they come to his home in the afternoon looking for his business. they find his wife and kids in the house and decide to wait for sate. he comes home to his wife raped and his children screaming. the hungarians knew soze was tough. not to be trifled with. so they let him know they meant business. they tell soze they want his territory - all his business. soze looks over the + faces of his family. then he showed these men of will what will really was. he tells him he would rather' see his family dead than live another day after this. he lets the last hungarian go, and he goes running. he waits until his wife and kids are in the ground and he goes after the rest of the mob. he kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. he burns down the houses they live in and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money. and like that he was gone. underground. no one has ever seen him again. he becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. if you rat on your pop, keyser sate will get you. and nobody really ever believes. keaton always said: "i don't believe in god, but i'm afraid of him." well i believe in god, and the only thing that scares me is keyser soze. i came clean. i told it like it happened on the boat. so what if i left out how i got there? it's got so many holes in it, the d.a. would've told me to blow amnesty out my ass. so you got what you wanted out of me. big fucking deal. you tell me, agent kujan. if i told you the loch ness monster hired me to hit the harbor, what would you say? i've got immunity now. what can you possibly offer me? where's your head, agent kujan? where do you think the pressure's coming from? keyser soze - or whatever you want to call him - knows where i am right now. he's got the front burner under' your ass to let me go so he can scoop me up ten minutes later. immunity was just to deal with you assholes. i got a whole new problem when i post bail. gee, thanks, dave. bang-up job so far. extortion, coercion. you'll pardon me if i ask you to kiss my pucker. the same fuckers that rounded us up and sank us into this mess are telling me they'll bail me out? fuck you. you think you can catch keyser soze? you think a guy like that comes this close to getting fingered and sticks his head out? if he comes up for anything, it will be to get rid of me. after that, my guess is you'll never hear from him again. that was how i ended up in a barber shop quartet in skokie, illinois. oh, but it's not. if i hadn't been nailed in illinois for running a three card monte in between sets, i never would have took off for new york. i never would have met keaton, see. that barber shop quartet was the reason for everything. the quartet is part of the bit about kobayashi. the quartet was in my file, along with every other thing i had done since high school, see? aliases, middle- men. they knew me better than i did. they knew all of us. give a guy a break, huh? we woke up the next morning and fenster was gone. he couldn't handle the idea of slumming for soze. he left a note wishing us good luck and took a chunk of the money we'd scraped together. mcmanus was furious. he was talking about tracking him down and ripping his heart out and all sorts of shit. that night we got the call. kobayashi told us where we could find fenster. what are we gonna do? i wanted to. i thought we could make it. i tried, believe me, but keaton wouldn't have it. it was too far-fetched for him. keaton was a grounded guy. an ex-cop. to a cop, the explanation is never that complicated. it's always simple. there's did you hear what he just said? i just can't believe we're just gonna walk into certain death. what-are they speaking? hungarian? keaton, i can't just - what if i i froze up. i thought about fenster and how he looked when we buried him, then i thought about keaton. it looked like he might pull it off. wait a minute. i - there had to be dope there. i don't. i don't know what you're talking about. i don't understand what you're saying. i saw keaton get shot, i swear to you. i was afraid, okay? somehow, i was sure it was keyser soze at that point. i couldn't bring myself to raise my gun to him. it was keyser soze, agent kujan. i mean the devil himself. how do you shoot the devil in the back? what if you miss? wha- no. i never heard of him. i said i never heard of him. i don't but how - wait. you're saying soze sent t us to kill someone? he wanted me to live. edie. because he was my friend. no. no, no, no, no, no. edie. this is all bullshit. i knew him. he would never - but why me? why not hockney or fenster or mcmanus? i'm a cripple. i'm stupid. why me? it was all keaton. we followed him from the beginning. i didn't know. i saw him die. i believe he's dead. christ you know what it's like, agent kujan, to know you'll never be good? not good like you. you got good all fucked around. i mean a stand up guy. i grew up knowing i was never going to be good at anything 'cause i was a cripple. shit, i wasn't you think he's? i'm not bait. no way. i post today. i'11 take my chances, thank you. it's tougher to buy the cheapest bag-man than it is to buy a cop. maybe so, but i'm no rat, agent kujan. you tricked me, that's all. i won't keep my mouth shut 'cause i'm scared. i'11 keep it shut 'cause i let keaton down by getting caught - edie finneran too. and if they kill me, it's fuckin' cops.