mr. almond doesn't seem to be answering his page, sir. i'm sure he's in the field. what's all this, then, harper? i get a radio that a man's down and in need of assistance? are you flat broke already? what i wouldn't give for a piece of that. aye. this nonsense has put a serious strain on my drinking. i think i was actually sober today. well, it's good to know when the shit hits the fan who your real friends are. you look lost. can i buy you a drink? well i didn't like the looks of you anyway -- bloody hell! it's him! we got him! yes, sir. i, uh, appreciate your faith in me. oh god, yes! oh, don't stop. i can't -- he asked me. if i loved my country. oh god. then he asked me to do something. oh, oh. helen, i can't. i can't tell you. my god?! how did you know that? no way. i can't tell you that. helen, please. it was. fi. fi. finch! everything's set, sir. no worries. tonight. i'm here to arrest mr. finch for acts of treason and terrorism. if i were you, boy, i'd shut my hole unless you want to start explaining why you didn't say nothing about mr. finch's secret identity. yeah, i suppose it would. bloody fuckin' hell. don't just stand there! follow them! but how does he know? do you know what i want? i want you just like this. bent over that black leather chair. what about conrad? use the finger? you mean like this? but you like it? that i am, misses. but i'm the pig that's gonna be running this country.