what do you make of this, mr. finch? strange? no prints yet, sir. just like prothero. yes, sir. they're on top of it. sorry it took so long. the boys had a devil of a time trying to filter out the background noise. the perpetrator apparently turned on the bishop's stereo. subsequently, a great deal of the tape is useless. beethoven. the fifth, i believe. sir? no. the agency said somebody claiming to be lilliman's valet canceled his sunday appointment. 23rd psalm. it goes on like that for a while. fairly incoherent except we could make out a few words in this part. transubstantiation. that miracle business when the wafer transform into the body of christ. yes, listen to this part. there's a couple of funny human noises. i got it! larkhill resettlement camp. prothero's and lilliman's employment records show they both help positions there at similar times. most of larkhill's records were destroyed for security reasons but i did uncover an old standard procedures and operations manual. in special case studies, medical research groups used roman numerals to identify test inmates. he's killed them all? it's not possible. i'm sorry, sir. you knew the doctor pretty well? we found this on her bureau, sir. it's dr. surridge's journal. it covers her years at larkhill. it might contain the whole story. es gooh. finch? finch, what's wrong? what the hell? creedy? what the hell's going on? you can't be serious. holy christ! creedy, you stupid ape! if finch is v then tell me who is that? come on, finch. we've seen it fifty times. i mean, after what they done to you, i don't know why we're even trying to stop him. that ain't it, finch. it's more than that. i know you. it's something personal with this one. well, we got less than thirty hours to stop it. how? what? but what does that mean? but i've still got over three hundred lines from the fairy queen. he's got us, doesn't he, finch?