thanks to etheridge, we found the launch for the fireworks. these appear to be individually weighted flares and we have found traces of the same chemicals at both of the detonation sites which leads us to conclude that, despite a level of sophistication, these devices are all home-made with over the counter chemicals, making them impossible to trace. whoever he is, leader, he's good. hmm. it's a rose. a violet carson, i believe. strange. i didn't think they still existed. now? send the rose to the lab. also, scrape a sample of this paint and have it analyzed as well. i'll be back as soon as i can. yes, sir. well, i. you think he's an insider? perfectly. england prevails. i want those tapes from the ear in my office tonight, dominic. any word from your superior, mr. creedy? quite. background noise? what music did he play? da, da, da, dum. that's code. morse code. for the letter "v". anything on the girl yet? what is it? he made him eat a host. and then just beethoven's fifth. we have got the initial path report back. the host was full of cyanide. and do you know what? when it reached his abdomen, it was still cyanide. just lives. i know it's too early for your profile but do you have any initial impressions? bloody hell. perhaps fate will make something more of all this. i certainly can't. quite. government directed terrorism never sews healthy ideas into the public. oh, that reminds me. can you tell us anything about this? we found one in the carriage with prothero and this one in the bishop's quarters. a violet carson. i heard that strain had died off. thought a botanist might shed some light on it. delia? magic. i'll drop by tomorrow then. a connection? what about codename v? five is the letter v. brilliant, dominic. all we need is larkhill's employment records. oh my god. oh bloody hell. oh no. delia? get an ambulance. that's the last entry until six months later when dr. surridge is back in london. there is no mention of the man in room five again. end of story. except that it wasn't the end of the story. between 2009 and 2012, over forty men and women who were previously stationed at larkhill met with what were believed to be accidental deaths. eventually, only three remained. the three he'd been saving until last. everyone who worked at larkhill. everyone who could have identified him. you see there are two possible motives here. not one. the first is revenge. he escapes from larkhill and vows to get even with his tormentors. the whole exercise an elaborate, chilling vendetta. that's the explanation that i find most reassuring, funnily enough. because that means he's finished. it's over now. the second motive is more sinister. like i said, everyone who could have identified him is dead. what if he's just been clearing the ground? what if he's planning something else? you see, the diary we found was in full view. we didn't have to search for it. he left it there. he wanted us to find it. he wanted us to know the story. or. for all we know, the diary could be a complete and utter fake. codename v could have written it himself. he's playing games with us. he might never have been at larkhill at all. do you see? it could all be another smoke screen, a false trail, another cover story -- yes, leader. no, leader. not yet. no, but i can guess. "remember, remember, the fifth of november." not for us. what are you saying? are you asking for my resignation? i don't know how you stand that tripe. don't you see, dominic? i'm v. why don't you just shoot me, creedy? wouldn't that make everything a lot simpler? he has to be at jordan tower. come on! but i thought i was the terrorist. since i'm not in jail and since you have another, even more convenient suspect. i'm guessing the charges have been dropped. i am careful, sir. always. that is why i suggest that a search of this building begin immediately. with all due respect, i disagree and i believe that he is presently trying to get out of this building disguised as one of us. no sir, i'm trying to run an investigation -- play it again. i don't know. for twenty seven years, i've been at this job. twenty seven years, i've done what i've been told to do. maybe that's all there is to it. i'm just a dumb old dog. a dumb old dog that only knows one trick. maybe. and maybe i'm not ready for a revolution. we will. it's on the tape. i know it. i can feel it. he did this for a reason. he needs something. the line of the queen? maybe it's a line from shakespeare. or a book. i don't know. but right here. he's talking to someone. someone specific. someone who knows what he wants. eighteen hours. dominic! dominic, go home. forget it. there's no more time. you go home and get some rest. you're going to need it tonight. yes, he does. give it up, old man. you're not even sure you want to stop him. christ! that's it! it's got to be it! oh my god. is the leader in? perfect. leader, i need as many men the captain can spare and i need them right now. to capture codename v. he's underground. the old subway. i know exactly what he's going to do. if we move quickly, we can be there, waiting for him. leader, every second we delay. no. no sir. i don't think that will be necessary. this. this is a mistake. leader, we have to get out of here! it was a mistake. this is what he wants. he knows us, leader. he knows us too well. we have to get out of here before it's too late -- don't move! drop the knife. no, mr. susan. no, i'm not. i'm a man who does his job and does what he's told. for twenty seven years, that's all i've been. i've read delia's diary over and over all year. it sickens me but i am unable to judge her. i am as guilty as she. i have no excuse. i did what i was told to do. my job was to find you and catch you. i've done my job. i've done it for the last time. i'm tired of it. i'm tired of it all. kill him yourself if you can. thank you, v. and goodbye.