derek! darling, how are you? hello, rosemary. oh, you poor dear. oh, conrad, don't be such a bloody bore. do tell us about the terrorist, derek. is it true he blew up big ben and the old bailey? oh, it sounds dreadfully exciting. aren't you glad you've got such a ruthless, implacable brute for a husband, rosemary? believe me, you're lucky. you could be struck with a professional peeping tom like conrad. england's highest paid voyeur, aren't you darling? oh yes, of course. we have to get back so the little pervert can watch what the neighbors do after sunday lunch. he's so exciting. ciao! there you go, baby. now my baby boy can think so much clearer. can't he? you have been thinking, haven't you? i know you have. ever since this terrorist appeared. oh jesus, that smile. that smile turns me on like nothing else. tell me. tell me what's going on in that ruthless sadistic brain of yours. no. you're kidding. you're serious, aren't you? is that the same trouble you love putting in my mouth? i know, derek. you love your country and you love your party, just like you love your wife. derek. i'm sorry. i know i can be a bitch. but that's why you're here, isn't it? this is it, isn't it, derek? what we've been waiting for. at last, you'll be rid of susan. i'll be rid of conrad. and we'll be free. free, won't we? "the most important member of my cabinet." yes it is, isn't it, dear? i stop when you stop. what did he say next? come on, peter, what are you afraid of? almond used to tell me everything and you're twice the man he was. oh yes, i can tell you do love your country, almost as much as you love this. go on. what? he told you to frame someone as the terrorist. i know adam susan. now who was it? yes you can, honey. you can and you will. you have to trust me, love. we're going to help each other. look at that face. you see? you're just bursting to tell me. now who was it? shut up, conrad. i'm thinking. how? how did you know that? all right. you have a deal. oh no! not you. conrad. not yet. here you can have a chocolate. open up. open! good boy. as for the rest of the box, perhaps when you're leader. right now i need something else conrad. i need you to use that pretty little brain for me. you know all about the old underground, don't you? i need to know everything, understand? everything. i don't know. all i know is he does. and i know what he wants. i told you, i'll handle conrad and v will take care of susan. the mob will take care of the guard and then. you can use the finger to take over. oh. oh. that is vulgar. yes, oh yes, oh you're a pig, peter. yes and i'm. i'm going to be eva. oh eva. "don't cry for me argen. oh argen. argen. tina! now listen to me, conrad. this is the most important moment of our lives. everything i've worked and hoped for comes to this. susan is a very dangerous man, especially now, that's why i need you, conrad. i need you to be stronger than him. i need you to be the better man. understand? if you do this conrad, and you do it right, i'm going to turn you from the little man i married into the man of my dreams. not on the lips. leader, i'm terribly sorry but i absolutely must speak with you. i have something to tell you, something important but -- i can tell you and only you. in private. it is a matter of national security. please, forgive me. i've been so afraid, afraid to come here to talk to you. i thought he must know. i was terrified he knew but i had to come because i knew you were the only one that can protect me. you won't let him hurt me, will you? the terrorist. oh, how i wanted to believe it, leader, but i know it's not true. because i know who the terrorist is. it's conrad, leader. conrad. my husband is the terrorist. i saw him, leader. in the middle of the night. i heard something. i went to the landing and that's when i saw it. that mask. that hideous smiling mask. i know, leader. i know the way a woman knows. proof? leader! wait! thank you, sir. i want you to go straight to your office and wait for me to call. when i do, i want you to come immediately home. understood? oh, conrad, i'm so proud of you. tonight, conrad. i promise you will never forget tonight. goodbye, conrad. creedy? creedy, you dumb bastard, you left your car parked in front. what did i tell you? creedy. oh my god. conrad! what have you done? don't touch me! you stupid piece of shit! you've ruined it! i had it all planned perfectly and you've ruined it! i have to get out of here! i have to get away! no! let go! now! conrad, damn you! let me go! no, please! oh god, no! oh god, please help me!