do you know why you're here. evey hammond? allow me to be more precise. did you participate in the murder of dr. delia surridge? did you participate in the murder of derek almond, director of the finger? did you participate in the murder of bishop anthony lilliman? have you ever participated in a terrorist act against your country? what is the identity of codename v? you are a lying cunt. this board will not tolerate any more of your lies, miss hammond. we have over 120 minutes of audio and videotape and 75 pages of testimonials from eye witness that identify you as an accomplice to the terrorist, codename v. do you want to know why you're here? you are formally being brought up on charges of murder on fourteen counts and sedition against your leader and country which brings an automatic sentence of death. process the prisoner and return her to her cell until she is more cooperative. enough. now miss hammond, let us review the facts. you work for codename v. codename v killed delia surridge and then derek almond with your help and that is why you were found outside her home. isn't that what happened, miss hammond? oh dear, rossiter? "my name is evey hammond. on the 5th of november 2019, i was abducted by the terrorist known as codename v and then taken against my will to an unknown location." "once there, i was systematically brainwashed by means physical and psychological. i was frequently subjected to sexual abuse during this period." "eventually i was terrorized into helping him commit the murders of derek almond, dr. delia surridge, and anthony lilliman, bishop of westminster." "i, the undersigned, swear that the above statement is genuine and that it was not signed by means of intimidation." we'd like you to sign that for us, miss hammond. where we've put the little cross. as you wish. escort miss hammond back to her cell, rossiter, where she will wait while you arrange a wet detail of six men. then take her out behind the chemical sheds and shoot her.