gentlemen, i will hear your reports now. mr. heyer, speak for the eye. freeze it! mr. etheridge, report for the ear! very good. mr. finch, speak for the nose. thank you for that professional annotation. very good. gentlemen, keep me informed of any further developments. england prevails. mr. almond, do you know what this is behind me? no. no sir. it's more than that. this, this computer is a symbol, mr. almond. a symbol of the highest attainable goal of mankind. do you know what that goal is, mr. almond? control, mr. almond! control! the world around us is a changing, directionless, amoral morass and it is up to man and man alone to set things right! without control, man is nothing more than any other stinking, sweating, brute animal. control, mr. almond. the control that we have painstakingly built up over the last ten years. now, do you understand what happened last night? yes, mr. almond. last night someone did the unthinkable. someone hurt us. it is imperative that we act swiftly and precisely. i want that man found, mr. almond. i want his head or, by god, i'll have yours. ah, mr. finch. i sent for you because what i have to say cannot be said over a phone or a radio. what i have to say cannot leave these four walls. do i make myself clear? i believe in a few things, mr. finch. i believe in god. i believe in the destiny of the nordic race. and i believe in fascism. the romans invented fascism. they had a symbol for it; a bundle of twigs bound together. one twig could be broken but a bundle would prevail. that is the heart and soul of fascism. strength in unity. i tell you these things knowing full well that they make you uncomfortable. you have in fact expressed your discomfort in several arrest reports, arrests that were, in your opinion, "unnecessary." the fact that you are here, that you are not rotting in a prison cell, is a mark of my respect and admiration for you, for your craft, and for what you have done for this country. it is also because i know you, finch. i know what you are. you're a man like me. a man who understands when they are given a job what must be done. i understand you, finch, and that is why i can trust you. this terrorist knows us, finch. these attacks are perfectly calculated and they are divisive. he knows what he's doing, finch. he knows us all too well. what i think is that this man must be stopped. stopped at all costs and no one, i repeat, no one is to be placed above suspicion. do i make myself clear? england prevails, mr. finch. enough! mr. finch, would you please explain to me the nature of this meeting?! because i was under the impression that you had some information about the terrorist, codename v! no more questions, understand! i want answers! i am not interested in where he grew up, what kind of flowers he likes or his favorite color! do i make myself clear? dismissed. england prevails, mr. finch. mr. finch, the girl. do you have anything on the girl? a year, gentlemen. i have given you almost a year and you have given me nothing. nothing! yes, mr. dascombe, i do know it. it is that very fact that keeps me awake at night, wondering if perhaps there is a reason that mr. finch has failed. i'm saying that perhaps i don't know you as well as i thought i did. no, i am asking for some goddamn results! it's over, is it? he's gone. vanished, you say? transcripts recorded over the last thirty days in which the terrorist was talked about or mentioned in a positive context. this is only thirty days! is this what you consider, "disappeared?" mr. creedy, i want the producers, writers, and actors of that "stupid variety show" arrested and charged with sedition. push me, roger, push me and you'll find out how serious i am. this, this v is still out there. i can feel him like a sickness worming its way into the hearts and minds of the public. something must be done, and done quickly, to exorcise this demon for the very soul of this country is at stake. that is why i am compelled to give each and every one of you notice that if by the fifth of november you are still giving me nothing more than excuses, i will have to revoke your party status and terminate your positions. mr. creedy, i will speak with you in private. the rest of you are dismissed. england prevails. mr. creedy, as the new head of the finger, you are the most important member of my cabinet. your predecessor, mr. almond, was a good man, a man who understood what strength in unity meant, a man who, above all, loved his country. i need to know if you are such a man. do you love your country, mr. creedy? yes, mr. creedy? when? damn you! damn you! lieutenant, ready my transport. i want every armed man within a hundred miles at jordan tower. now! i want this man dead! i want him shot on sight! who was it? who was he? roger dascombe! of course. of course! it makes such perfect sense. no! there is no mistake! who? who are these people? they must be detained immediately. whatever they saw or whatever they think they saw is subordinate to the truth and that truth is that roger dascombe is the terrorist and the terrorist is dead! finch, what are you doing here? be careful, finch. the terrorist is dead! are you challenging my authority? i am trying to run a country! when i tell you, mr. finch, the terrorist is dead, then the terrorist is dead! if you continue to suggest otherwise then you will leave me no choice but to have you arrested on charges of sedition. do i make myself clear? now, it is imperative for the people of london to know that they are safe, that the terrorist is dead and everything is under control. good evening london. as leader of this great country, i felt it imperative to speak with you and to assure you once and for all that the shadow that recently fell across our land has indeed passed. what we have endured this long year was no accident, no mere coincidence. this was not a simple act of terror conducted by a singular madman. no, this was a test. it was not me, nor the party, nor the government that was threatened this year. it was our beliefs. our faith. i believe that god himself bore witness to our struggle and like job i believe that we have been vindicated. how do i know this? let me read to you where i found the answer, where i so often find the answer. in the scripture. revelations. "if any man have an ear, let him hear." "he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity; he that killeth with the sword shall be killed with the sword. here is the patience and faith of the saints." "and i beheld another beast coming out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon." "and he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men." "and he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had the power to do --" his wife? now what's this all about, mrs. heyer? protect you from what? come now, mrs. heyer. let who hurt you? the terrorist is dead. how? who? who is it, woman? what?! how do you know? but how did you know it was heyer? but you have no proof? yes, proof? this is an extremely delicate situation, mrs. heyer. it has been reported that the terrorist is dead. it would be a catastrophe to arrest a man now without concrete, conclusive proof. do you have any evidence at all? but if you're right, if heyer is indeed the terrorist. yes, mr. heyer, your wife has done her duty to her country. don't worry, mrs. heyer. you will be taken care of. i will launch an immediate investigation and i promise, you will be the first to know when an arrest will be made. subversion, mr. heyer. your wife was privy to the dialogue of subversives. that's all you need to know at this time. lieutenant! the heyers are leaving. i need to see mr. creedy at once. mr. finch? i'm coming with you. there will be no discussion -- i am sick to death of this terrorist being everywhere and nowhere! i will judge whether mr. finch is right and i will judge it with my own eyes! do i make myself clear, captain? is there a problem, mr. finch? good. captain, mobilize your men. we'll find this bloody bastard and we will finish him. mark my words, mr. finch, this man is going to become an example so that every man, woman, and child in this country will remember what happens to those who would ever think to stand against the state. captain, i need a gas unit down here with enough nerve gas to fill every rat-hole in these tunnels. there are over one hundred of the best trained soldiers in this country down here. let him come. captain, what's happening? don't tell me you're a coward, mr. finch. this was your idea. what trick is this? this is an outrage! i order you not to listen to this! captain, order all your men to fall back and secure this position! any man that disobeys this order will be court marshaled! captain! captain, where are your men? goddammit, i will not tolerate this insubordination! i want those deserters shot, captain. shot on sight! traitors! you cowards! i know who you are! i'll see you hang! every last one of you! finch? finch! finch, goddammit, you can't leave me! don't leave me! damn you! damn you! conrad? is that you? you're working with finch, aren't you? and creedy! you're all in this together! who are you? noooo! mr. finch! oh god, mr. finch! oh, i knew it, mr. finch. i knew you wouldn't desert me. you're a good man, finch. a damn good man. careful, mr. finch. he's quick as the devil. mr. finch, what are you doing? shoot him. kill the bastard, finch. finch, i order you to shoot him! finch! i warned you, finch, the penalty for treason is death. are you ready to die? do you really believe you can pick up that knife before i pull this trigger?